zondag 31 augustus 2014

Protesting Israel goes by unnoticed

I try to be up-to-date with the news, and since I don't own a television, I check some online Belgium newspapers everyday. Luckily I also read some less corporate-influenced news, too. On top of that, I have some online friends who I love to share information with.
Take a look at the article a good American friend sent me: http://rt.com/news/183932-protest-airport-blood-belgium/

This protest, of which I'm so proud it was done by Belgian females, was not mentioned in any of the other sources I use. I'm not surprised that 'alternative news' websites didn't report it. We are a small country, and since no real press statement was made, I wouldn't expect this news to go global. But apparently, it did, else Reuters would not have made an article about it. Which I missed.

I always wanted to believe that freedom of speech and a solid, trustworthy covering of the news were some of the characteristics my country still had. I'm aware that this is not true. Sometimes it just startles me about how wrong I was in thinking this.

Since the conflict started again, a lot of citizens and politicians from Belgium spoke out against Israel-the-killer-nation. But we couldn't really say what we wanted from the beginning. Some events happened last year that helped us make a respons to the conflict in which we are almost afraid of telling the truth.

Sadly enough, some 'terrorist' decided to enter the Jewish museum in Brussels at May, 24. He shot and killed 4 people. From the beginning of this incident until now, I didn't feel good about it. Not only because of the people dying, but also because something felt fishy.
The alledged killer was arrested on May, 30 in Marseille, France. There, he was supposed to be a member of a group with 'radical ideas'. Up until now, no witness has placed him at the crime scene, and the video tape of the event isn't really clear. In short, I'm not that sure this man did it. Even the newspapers don't call him 'the killer', they call him 'the suspected killer'. Too many stuff just doesn't add up in this case.

Besides it being evil and psychotic to stage a shooting in order to discredit muslims and to put jews in a 'better' light, it's also a very smart move. First, people will remember the violence being used against jews as being very real, since it happened next to our front door. Second, by trying to make us feel sympathetic, they also slipped in this idea that commenting on Israel makes you a nazeh.

And so  happened. The conflict rose up again, and so did the protest, luckily. But we can't say all we want. Numberous people have had to make apologies for telling the truth. For speaking out against this Zionist pigs, killing women and children in broad daylight without even having to think about the consequences.

Note: the people protesting are all mostly white Belgians. Sadly enough, it's not 'cool' for muslims to speak out, too. Because muslisms are dangerous!
It's unbelievable how this fear is being cultivated and used in order to create division and fear in our society. During a protest against Israel, an ISIS flag was seen amongst the attendees. This happened first in the Netherlands but some days later, also over here. This is just plain ridiculous. In Antwerp, we have a pretty big population of muslims from Morrocco and Turkey, mostly. I'm planning on writing about that too, but for now I'll just say we do have differences and we do think in stereotypes. But this goes for the both of us. I am 100% sure that 98% of Belgium muslims wants nothing to do with ISIS.

Anyway, giving these two reasons why it's not cool to speak out against Israel here, I really don't see any reason anymore to not believe we were prepped. Kids leaving from Belgium for Syriah, a lunatic killing jews, ISIS protestants amongst our children and women... We should reallllly start supporting those Zionists, because the real enemy is right besides you! Ermagherd!

Cool thing is, altho most people here will believe the hoaxes, we still don't like this criminal state of Israel. Up yours, it'll take a lot more propaganda and martial law before you can stop us from thinking like you want us to.

Sabetha (I love changing my name from time to time)

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