donderdag 14 augustus 2014

Mothers day!

My poetic skills are almost non-existant, I admit that. But I do like to write poems sometimes, especially on occasions such as this. August 15 is mothers day in Antwerp (not in whole Belgium), and I decided to write some sentences down to honour my mother. I originally wrote it in Dutch, but I tried to make an English translation.
I know it makes no real sense, but my mom will get it, that's what counts.

Niks moest ik geven, maar toch heb ik iets meegebracht,
zoals gij altijd bij mij bent, heb ik u altijd bij.
Ik zou u rust willen geven, maar die hebt ge zelf gevonden.
Antwoorden heb ik niet, want die geeft gij aan mij.
De juistheid ervan is van geen belang,
wat telt is de intentie.
Geld bezit ik niet, maar ik heb ideeën
en liefde, en
woede ook, van u geërfd misschien
of zelf ontwikkeld
dat weet ik niet.
Als de zon weer eens verdwenen is en als de
zwanen hun laatste lied zingen,
dan zijt gij daar, misschien niet in wezen
maar wel in geest.
De geest die mij leidt
de geest die mij gevormd heeft
de geest die altijd blijft
nu, tot in de eeuwigheid.

You told me not to bring you anything, but I did,
as you are always with me, I am always with you.
I'd like to give you inner peace, but you found that yourself.
I don't have answers, because you provide those for me.
The correctness is of no importance,
what counts is the intention.
I don't have money, but I have ideas
and love, and
also anger, maybe inherited from you,
or self-developed
I don't know.
If the sun is dissapearing again and if the
swans are singing their last song,
then you are there, maybe not in person
but in spirit.
The spirit that guides me,
the spirit that formed me,
the spirit that's evermore present,
from now until eternity.

Mary Jane

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