zondag 10 augustus 2014

A cup of crap

I was enjoying my sunday afternoon, reading up on news and gossip, with a nice cup of coffee. When reading this article, I almost threw up in my beverage.


I'm not going to discuss the actual events. There are simply no words to describe events like that, and I'm sure a lot of people before me expressed these feelings in a better way. However, I'd like to make some side notes about what bothers me the most.

Why has the disabled student have to take all the blame? Sure, he did a disgusting thing, but would he have done it if his classmates weren't cheering for him? Why aren't those horrible creatures arrested? Oh yes, because 'school officials claim they do not know who they are'. Are these officials retarded themselves? Did the classmates wear masks so they couldn't be recognised? I don't think they did. I think they are protecting these criminals, because it's always easier to let a disabled person take the blame. It was filmed for f*s sake, why not use this as evidence? By denying that you know who instigated this, you automatically give the impression that events such as this aren't taken seriously.

When working with disabled people, you know there are precautions that need to be met. This to assure the safety of the person and those around him or her. Apparently, a teacher let these kids go to the bathroom alone, which is against the policy of the school. Apparently, this teacher was being lazy. Yes, I know teaching is a hard job. This is no excuse for doing your job wrong.

I don't have children, and I don't plan on getting children. This is my own personal choice, so you are right if you tell me that I have no idea how hard it is to raise a kid. Indeed, I don't. But how hard can it be to teach your kid that instigating rape is gruesome and wrong? If the goal was to raise psychos, they succeeded quite good. I hardly doubt this was the case. I think these parents need to really look into the mirror and see what they have done, or have failed to do. If my kid commited crimes like that, I would be so ashamed I wouldn't dare go out the door anymore.
What I also don't understand is why these parents didn't report their child. Yes, I think they should've. There is no excuse at all for this event. Grow some balls, and report this. Admitting your child is a dirty rape loving sicko must be extremely hard. But denying it and just going with it is not only lazy, it's immoral. Shame on those parents, take actions for once in your live and do the right thing. Or don't have kids in the first place.

Mary Jane

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