woensdag 6 augustus 2014


Hi everybody, welcome to my first blog ever. As always when starting new, I’m still full of ideas and optimism. I have a lot of things on my mind that I’d like to share with people. Amongst those things are:

  • Books
  • Global and not-so global news and events
  • Politics
  • Alternative theories (you may call it conspiracy..)
  • Music and series reviews
  • Probably some Game of Thrones fangirling (no spoilers, I promise)
  • General thoughts on life
  • Awesome people

I also plan on doing some vlogs starring Monty, my pissed off stuffed penguin, who has a rather quick temperament and is allergic to bullish. But for that, I need a camera first.

I hope I manage to cover at least some of those topics.
This being said, I’m gonna put myself in the spotlights for some sentences…
I’m a woman in my mid-twenties, born and living in Belgium. Because of this, I’ll be writing about European politics too. Also, since English isn’t my native language, you can probably expect some language mistakes from me. You can correct me, but stay nice.
I’m currently studying to be a nurse, and I can’t wait to have my diploma and start working again. I love to read, take walks, swim and play with my cat. I love animals and I will probably do some penguin-loving on here, too. I have some really close friends with whom I love to spend time with, but I must admit I’m kind of an introvert. I like to be alone at times and silence can be music to me.
I also have mayor annoyances. You’ll get to know those. You don’t have to agree with me, and I like a good discussion. But, there will be no reaction from my side to any hater, troll, stan, or other negative person who can’t take a joke/won’t try to have an open mind. Hating is just a waste of energy I’d rather spend otherwise. Also, none of the -isms will be tolerated.
Allright, that’s all I can come up with for now. It’s nice meeting you all :)

Mary Jane

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