maandag 18 augustus 2014

Ebola in Belgium? Also, it does spread through the air. Proof and such!, link in Dutch

According to Belgian newspaper De Morgen, a 13 year old boy was quarantined in an Ostend hospital. The boy came in with severe fever. He flew in last week from Guinea.

The facts aren't confirmed yet, and the hospital said the boy contracted malaria. But, the doctors do not exclude a simultanious infection with the Ebola virus.

People who came in contact with the boy are also quarantined, but not in the hospital, at their homes. Within 48 hours, we should get a confirmation whether or not the boy is infected.

UPDATE AUGUST 19: The boy doesn't have Ebola. Good news!

Also on the Ebola virus: I promised you guys some posts back that I was following the evolution with a keen eye. I was referring to the possibility that Ebola might spread through the air, too. Look what I found some couple of days ago:

If the CDC says that you can get infected by being within 3 feet or in the same room with a patient, it means they are lying LESS. Read what it says, people. Just come clean and be honest. But of course, lying to the people and exposing us all fits the plan.

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. The CDC and the WHO are doing Jack shii to stop this disease from spreading. First, they fly in infected people to all corners of the world. Second, they lie about the transmission methods this virus uses. If being in the same room without contact with the patient or his bodily fluids means you can get it, it means IT SPREADS THROUGH THE AIR. They tried to cover up a 2012 study which found the exact same thing in pigs, by saying the virus the pigs contracted, was a different type of string than this one. Could be. But virusses are very smart and cunning, known to have the capability to evolve very fast. Having more ways of spreading is a very good quality for a virus.

'Why would the CDC or even our own government try to kill us with a gruesome disease?' 
I don't know. I do have some ideas. One, those in power want to depopulate us as much as possible, so we will be smaller in numbers and easier to control. Personally, I believe option 2 more: by posing a threath, they can make way for a police state in which people are taking in quarantine 'for their own good'.
Am I being dellusional? Check a recent disaster or disease movie. What always happens when the people go crazy and get scared? Indeed. Our good friends the militarized police come to play, with erruptions of violence and a loss of human rights. I am not making this up. This is what Hollyweird has been feeding us, and this is what will happen. If of course the virus spreads in a rapid and deadly way. I'm not sure yet this will happen. But my doubts are getting lower every day.
Possibly, some other reason is at stake here, but I haven't found another one yet I can really believe in. If you have another insight on why we are in this mess, feel free to let me know.

Again, I'm being realistic. The chance you or me will inherit this disease... I think chances are getting higher everyday, but there is no need to panic. Just remember to buy some mouth masks, if the epidemic spreads further.

(I should really learn to keep to my subject instead of starting a rant on something else, hehe)

Mary Jane

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