zaterdag 16 augustus 2014

Positive fashion news, it exists

Dissing the fashion industry is one of my favourite guilty pleasures. But to be honest, I'd rather post uplifting and hopeful stories. I came across a series of pictures made by Indian photographer Rahul Saharan. Instead of picturing models who all basically look the same, he chose to follow a different path. He picked out 3 women for his shoot, all 3 of them acid attack survivors.

Check it out on his facebook page:

This is just amazing. The women pictured are clearly damaged for live, but they show a confidence and above all inner beauty that I rarely see in fashion shoots. This makes me wonder, are they really that damaged after all? Or does our society think that?
Overcoming an acid attack must be very hard. But having to live with the results of it everyday, is something we undamaged people simply can't imagine. I believe that the distorted idea we have about what beauty should be, makes it hard for these models to live their lives.
The women are shown from a different angle, by picturing them not only as survivors, but as normal girls who like to dress in pretty clothes as well. Because that is exactly what they are, women like you and me. They might not look like the fashion industry wants us to look. This does not mean they don't deserve a place in the spotlights, too.

I believe we can all learn from this brave young women. Wether you are scarred, big or skinny, black or white, old or young, we should be proud of who we are. There is so much more than meets the eye, which these pictures clearly show.
Also, this series shows that some photographers out there do care about all kinds of people. Shoots and ideas like this should be encouraged. After all, we don't get to choose how we look (well, that is if you don't count plastic surgery of course). We can however choose how we view the world. Stepping away from the normal beauty standard and honestly showing all kinds of people, would be the greatest thing that could happen to the fashion industry.
Because honestly, how many people look like a regular model?

Mary Jane

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