vrijdag 8 augustus 2014

Ebola: this article says it all.

Readers, I stumbled upon this great article on the current Ebola outbreak. It provides an alternative idea about this whole mess, but also gives you a great timeline of the events and a lot of info on the disease. I hardly suggest you read it, but I'll give the headlines and some personal opinion too.

This point of view might be risky for some, I believe it to be at least a strong possibility. True or not, it's fact that some recent developments have made a lot of people frown.
Why would you bring back an infected victim to the US? Don't get me wrong. Those people should have excellent medical care provided for them. But why couldn't they send doctors and equipment in? The risk for both parties involved roughly stays the same, but you make sure the virus doesn't spread to the other end of the world. Quarantine still is the only proven method to be effective in keeping this disease from spreading. This does not only take place in the US. New victims will also return to the UK, Spain, and maybe even other countries. Why?? You should stop it from spreading, not help it. Sure, that new vaccine sounds great, but it will take months to develop on larger scales. And before that, the WHO has to decide what to do with it, since it hasn't been thoroughly tested.
New suspected cases pop up in Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia, but also in Philadelphia, New York and Ohio. They are 'suspected' because it takes a while into the disease before you can search for antibodies. An infected person can be undetectable for up to ten days.
What worries me are the actions taken by the US government. Apparantly, Obama signed an executive order which states that people with respiratory problems can be taken into quarantine against their will. Wow. Maybe if you didn't brought any patients back, all of this would not have been necessairy. Also, why respiratory problems? This is hardly the most important symptome of the disease. But now every US citizen can be locked up 'based on the suspicion of having contact with an infected person'. Again, wow.

The article provides us with some recent an not-so recent American government f* ups. Reading Ebola news in the light of these sad historical events makes you look at it in a different way. It would be good for those in power to have a less densily populated planet to run. And what better way to do this then a gruesome disease? There is too many of us people, not in my opinion, but in the opinion of those who matter. They don't care about making plans to help every country and stop every war. Everywhere in the world rights such as freedom of speech and privacy are taken away or never even existed. They want to make you walk in line, and they want to control you. I'm not making this up, just open a newspaper or a blog and it's all there, written down for you. I willl give you one example: Israel. You can't speak of it, you can't critisize it, you just have to sit and watch was going on without any change of making it different. And wouldn't it be easier if you had, lets say, 2 billion people less on this planet complaining about everything? Sounds valid to me.

This article also sheds new light on the Ebola disease and a probable answer to it. First, experiments have proven that the virus also spreads through the air, and not only by exchange of bodily fluids. This is highly important. If it goes for rats and monkeys, you can be pretty sure it goes for humans, too. This make me question if health workers and others who have been exposed to the virus, have been protected enough. And what about the people who were carrying the virus and who travelled by plane? This epidemic could grow further without us even noticing it. Keep this information in mind, if you ever have to take quick action.
Second, I've heard rumours before about vitamin C being the answer to this disease. In short, Ebola steals all your vitamin C away, which results in typical symptoms such as diarrhea, vomitting, internal and external bleeding and hemorrhagic fever. Therefore, taking 500mg of vitamin C to restore the deficits could help you. This does not cure the disease, but the theory is that it helps to boost your immune system, so your body can fight the virus off. I don't know if this hypothesis is correct. But I can tell you this: there would be no harm in taking that amount of vitamin C, since this vitamin dissolves in water. This means your body gets rid of too much of it through urine. It is not stored in your body so you can't overdose on 500mg a day.

Think of me as evil, but I can totally picture a government who would deliberately try to get as much people infected with an evil killer virus. We have enough disaster movies about this subject. This is a quick list, there are many more: Contagion (2011), Children of Men (2006), I am Legend (2007), Quarantine (2008), Virus (1999), and one the most recent ones, World War Z (2013).
Most disaster movies tend to have some police-state-taking-over-plotline, in which the government decides it's time to take over every aspect of live. This is no different with movies about diseases. Just think about that for a second.

Good news is, around the world people are starting to realise the situation could get out of hand. Newspapers all over the world are reporting about 'Ebola, the world-wide health threath'. We might never get answers to the questions this article asked us. I'm just hoping all possible actions will be made to get us out of this infected mess.

Mary Jane

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