dinsdag 19 augustus 2014

The VMA's: a foreshadowing

Over here, the VMA's aren't as big as they are in the US. We all saw that raunchy Miley Virus performance a year back, but overal, we don't really care that much. Since the show is broadcasted at 3am in the morning, not many people watch it live. Of course, some of us will tape it and some of us will stay up, but in general, it's not a big thing over here.

I'm going to take one for the team and tape the whole mess, so I can review it. But before that, I want to give you my motives for doing so.
First, the VMA's are broadcasted in a lot of countries. Everything that happens during that night, especially the controversial stuff, will go viral within minutes. I believe that performances, music and artists have a big impact on our youth, on the way we look at things and on values. No, I did start twerking after I saw Miley climb out of that giant teddybear. But that doesn't mean it didn't have an impact on young children or teenagers.

The most important reason I have for doing this, is that I recently opened my eyes to the lies and filth of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The reason why it took me so long to realise something is totally wrong with artists and music these days, is because I really don't care about popular artists. I never really looked into the matter because I ignored most 'artists' that are considered big now. I was always told to simply not listen to stuff I don't like instead of bitchin about it. But then, I discovered www.vigilantcitizen.com, and I finally opened my eyes to the evils and loads of crap that the entertainment business inhabits. I suggest you visit that website and read some articles on it. Do research yourself, look into the matter provided by sites such as the Vigilant Citizen and many others. Inform yourself about the illuminati. And try to have an open mind. It won't harm you, I promise. (but it will pss you off)

I believe a secret society runs the world and tries to bring it's symbolism in every day live. To give you an overview, here's a list of the most important Illuminati symbols.

(I 'stole' this list from http://www.illuminatirex.com/illuminati-symbols/, but I added some more pictures myself. I want to thank the author for the excellent overview.)

1. The all-seeing eye
Probably the most known and portrayed one. The eye symbolizes the eye of Satan, looking over the minions.

Of course, it could all be just a coincidence. But if you do a quick google search, you'll see that almost every artist these days poses with one eye covered. Two explanations: artists these days have no original idea of their own, or they are all flashing illuminati signs. Also, check this out for a better overview of celebrities flashing the all-seeing eye: http://media-conspiracy-manipulation.blogspot.be/2011/11/all-seeing-eye-hand-covering-face.html

2. The pyramid
The pyramid represents the top-down command structure of the Illuminati. A giant base, being us, the masses, and a small top, the elite that 'runs the world'.

Daft Punk at the 2014 Grammy Awards

'Oh, isn't Beyoncé just flashing the sign for her hubby's brand Rockafella?' NO. This is one of the oldest illuminati symbols, Rockafella really isn't that old. Besides, 'Rockafella'? Rockefeller? One of the most important illuminati bloodlines? Think, people.

3. Devil horns

I know this symbol is common amongst metalheads. Also, I know a lot of people who love to listen to metal, and they all dislike popular artists. So why would they make this hand gesture? Are they secretly trying to infiltrate the metal world? I don't think Obama has any intentions of doing that. This symbol is older than metal. Also, most metal bands have less pictures showing them doing this sign then your average sell-out.

4. The owl
Represents Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. Stands for the knowledge the enlightened ones have which we don't.

Owls are cute, I get it. I'm not saying the owl is an evil animal, the symbolism of the owl, however, is.
In Greek mythology, Minerva/Athena's owl represents knowledge.

5. The pentagram

The pentagram, whether inverted or not, is a very old and strong mystic symbol. It is used in old religions, wicca and modern occultism.
The practise of inverting symbols, like the cross or the pentagram, means the meaning is inverted too.
I really wonder why so many artists who claim to have come from a christian household, are seen with a pentagram. But this five-pointed star is of high importance for those in power. Just think of the Pentagon for example, the epicenter of US power.

Taylor Momsen


Ariana Grande

Some fashion brand

6. 666

First of all: the handsign shown is not the symbol for 'OK'. It's actually three 6'es. Each finger held up represents one six, and the round you make with your thumb and index finger is the base for each six.
Second, I don't think this symbolism needs explanation. It's da devil.

2013 VMA's

Also, notice how in some of these pics, they simultaniously flash us a one-eye. You sneaky!

7. Fire

Fire, bringing light to the people, thus 'illuminating' them. He who holds the fire, holds the knowledge. Also, Satan is known as 'the torch bearer'

The Olympic torch

Katy Perry at the 2014 Grammy Awards

8. The skull

We've all heard about the 'secret' skull and bones society, which gave us Geore W Bush and some other great people. The skull is also a sinister symbol. After all, it symbolises death. I never understood why these artists of today have to have such an obsession with dying and the occult. Now I know.

Lady Gaga

9. The obelisk

An obelisk can be found on most sites which represent power. Again, the top is the highest, with all the power.


The Vatican


10. Nazi salute

This salute is banned in most European countries, and a public display is disencouraged. But I found this...

Besides, Hitler stole more than just one concept. His swastika is actually an old Sanskrit symbol.

Okay, if you weren't aware of the information I just told you, just bear with me for some more sentences. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. All of the artists out there, who are selling and who are considered big, are doing the same symbolism over and over and over again. Just do some research for yourself. The results are stunning.

The music industry is bigbigbig bussiness. Do you really believe those in power have nothing to do with that? No better way to shape a mind than through music and television. I really can't believe not a single artist has an original song or music video concept these days. It's always the same shii. (I mean popular artists, not underground or less known ones)

You don't have to believe everything I say. But you really can't deny that this symbolism is dominating the music bussiness.

Okay, so far for the foreshadowing. I secretly can't wait for the VMAs, I'm really curious about what symbolism will be used. I'm 'looking forward' to see Beyonce perform the most. Her last albums have flopped and she and JayZ are rumored to have marital problems. I'm pretty sure she'll show everything she has to stay relevant. What do you have to do to stay relevant? Greet those who own you.

I'm also planning on doing another post on symbolism. There's a lot more illuminati symbolism out there, it's just too much to put in one post (and I'm done with it for now, hehe). Also, I will cover some ideas and examples on mind control symbolism. (Yes. you read that right. Just google 'MK ULTRA or 'project Monarch' for more on the matter.)

(side note: a lot of people have wrote about this matter in a much better way than me. I just want to contribute and spread the word as much as possible. I bet you can find 156848 other posts, articles and even books that are lots better than what I just wrote. So if you want to know more, please do a search and educate yourself. There is a LOT out there, but luckily enough, the truth can be found, if you want to at least.)

Mary Jane

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