maandag 11 augustus 2014

This is what happens if people speak out

I don't know what to say about this. Every time someone has the balls to speaks out against Israel the killer nation, shii like this happens. I'm not in favour of hating on Jews. I am in favour of hating on the warcrimes this so called 'country' is commiting. They broke almost every international law, but leaders around the world keep on licking Israels a**. It's ridiculous.

Recently, a Belgian writer recieved a rather obnoxious letter from a journalist connected to 'Joods Actueel', a Jewish magazine. The writer dared to speak out against Israels war crimes, and got a letter in return which asked the author 'if his grandparents did something to help the Jews during WW2'. Since the Jewish journalist is a freelancer, Joods Actueel denied all knowledge and support for said letter.
Since when did it become okay to attack someone's family and heritage because someone spoke the truth? Why are we still tolerating this?

Since it's clear it'll take about 15646 more Palestine casualties before anything will happen, I suggest we all do a little more effort to support Palestine. Supporting Palestine does not mean you are a Hitler-loving, Jew-hating neonazi. The Israeli lobby likes to feed us this idea so we all feel guilty if we speak out. Don't feel guilty. Speak out.

I'm not saying we should all start riots and mayhem. But we can all do something to make this world a better place. In the light of this, I suggest we all boycot Israeli products. Since our government isn't to eager to make a real change and label products that come from this blood-stained 'nation', I looked up a list with products you should avoid if you want to support the Palestines. Here it is (in Dutch):
Yes, I know this will not end the conflict. But I like to believe that every bit helps, and by not purchasing these products, we can hurt them were it really hurts. Right in the MONEY.

Note: this list is not complete. You should look at the origins of the products. I'm not saying we should all stop eating apples, tomatoes and potatoes. But it won't do no harm if you inform yourself about where those products come from. For now, boycotting the brands named in this article could already make a difference.

Mary Jane

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