woensdag 3 september 2014

I really hate the place I live

I don't hate my studio all the time, I just hate it at certain times. I get by pretty easily and most of the time I can joke about the crap I live in. But sometimes it just is too much. I know I must be happy I have a roof over my head, and most the time, I am. But some of the stuff happening here is just bullcrap.

I pay way too much for this shit. People above me are always noisy. The basement isn't safe since people steal bikes and gas from motorcycles all the time. Apparently, the cops came by once because people were dealing drugs in that basement. The elevator breaks down at times so people get stuck, or have to walk 6 or even 8 floors. The front door is broken again so all the scum from the streets can walk in and sleep in the hall, which they do. Blood is on the floor downstairs just a little too much for my taste. And last month, one appartment got robbed.
I could really go on for another paragraph.

But what pisses me off this time, is the fact that my water boiler jut broke down some hours ago. The ma-fucka started leaking water and the shit was overheating. The man in the appartement under me was having problems with my water leaking in his bathroom. Luckily my neighbours are decent people, and together with some others we tried fixing it. It didn't work, we actually had to call the freaking fire department to have it stop.

This building is so old and shitty, the only reason I still live here is because I am lazy. And as I said, I get by, I never was spoiled. So I'm a bit lazy when it comes to fixing things.
Anyway. I hope I don't have to pay the firemen since I don't have any money for that, but it's not gonna be my ass. Someone checked my appartement real quick and absolutely nothing here is safe. The owner of this block has no ground to stand on. A lot of tenants here are sick and tired of this horsecrap.

We were busy fixing this shit for 3 whole hours. It's almost 1:30 AM right now and I'm still not calm. I was scared, I admit it, I was scared the whole boiler would explode. Firemen said that it wasn't for sure that would have happened, but it could have been. I live on the 6th floor I mean I would be dead if that happens.
I hope they give me a new boiler and I am not paying for anything. This place is ridiculous.

So why am I still staying here? I mean the people here living, well at least some of them are normal but others are complete psychos. My neighbour was threatened with a baseball bat after she told the attacker to be quiet so she could sleep. The woman working for this block is extremely creepy, she sneaks in with you when you come home, with some lame excuse. She just wants to check out how you live, because she has nothing better to do I guess. One of the other tenants told us he saw her steal in the supermarket. Could be I don't know, wouldn't surprise me.

Okay, I'm finally starting to calm down. I'm usually pretty chill when stuff happens, but I know nothing about water boilers and pipes and electricity and all that. Besides, I really hate it when strangers come in. The people who live here and helped are cool, but 3 firemen came in and that made me feel really unease because, well, I have vacation, I chill a lot and clean less.
I know I should just get a new place, period.


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