zondag 14 september 2014

Some updates on my personal life

Since I own this blog, I can write about whatever I want, including myself. I'm not that much into sharing everything that happens to me personally, but it will probably happen from time to time. Like now.

First and foremost, I'm proud to anounce I found a new studio! The contract is signed, plans are being made, overall I'm pretty happy with the place I'm gonna be living in for the next 2 years. It's smaller than my previous studio (which already is small), but much more cozy and with much more storing space. I really hope my son-of-a-bitch landlord will let me go without any real consequences. After all, I didn't do anything wrong, I just chose the wrong studio to live in.
I'm really satisfied with the choice I've made. Too bad you can't smoke in there, so I'll probably have to cut that habbit, or live with the fact I have to go outside everytime. It will probably be option 2.

Secondly, my school is starting again tomorrow. I'm starting my second year of nursing school, two more years to go and I can go back to work. I'll have classes for one week and after that, my internship will start again for 11 weeks. I really look forward to actually be in a hospital and do nursing stuff again. On the other hand, I've been sitting still and not doing anything besides read and write for about 3 months. So yeah, the first weeks will be a pain in the butt. But I'll finally have something to do again.
This means less posts. I do understand nobody really follows my blog, but you never know. I will still try to post at least twice a week.

Thirdly, I'm having a weird period in my life right now. I'm pretty sure studying nursing and moving to Antwerp were good choices I've made. Recently, I've begun to question other things I've done, now and it the past. I guess it's that moment in time when you have that little 'middle 20's' midlife-crisis and start questioning every solid ground you have in life. Or it could be me being a loony.

Anyway, a lot is going on right now, not only in my life but first and foremost, in the world we live in. We live in an interesting time. Since I've opened my eyes some months back, I've tried really hard to find a succesful way to cope with information. Starting this blog and writing some sentences really helps me a lot. I don't really care if nobody reads this. Don't get me wrong, I like it when people read my blog, and I would also like it if one of you left me a comment or sent me a quick mail. I like feedback, but at the end of the day, I write this blog for myself. Without it, I probably would have lost my mind.


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