woensdag 10 september 2014

The CDC is evil: MMR vaccine can cause autism

As you might have noticed, I'm a nurse in training, so obviously I'm interested in news about diseases and cures. Most people think the government and organisations such as the CDC try to make the world a better place, with less illnesses and more healthy people. The amount of shht that is turning up from time to time, determined that was a lie.

I still plan on doing a bigger post on vaccines, but because the vaccination scheme and practices over here are much different than in the US, it's still on hold. To give you an example: here, we only have one obligatory injection, against Polio, given to a child before the age of 2. Every other vaccination available is voluntarily. I did have 3 shots this year to help protect me against Hepatitis, because it's obligatory if you want to work in a hospital. Anyway, I'll get back to the oblivious amount of shots an American child has to recieve in another post.

For today, I really suggest you read this link. In short, it's about how the CDC covered up test results in their favour. Some years back, a study was conducted and the results weren't that positive. An MMR vaccine was found to be harmful for young children. Not just harmful, study showed that children who recieved the vaccine, had a much bigger chance of developing autism, especially in black boys. I'm not talking a 10 or even 50% higher change of autism. I'm talking 'a 340% increase in autism in African-American males who were given the MMR vaccine compared to those vaccinated later.'

Of course, the big scientists over at the CDC want to cover up this pile of dirt. They made professors and scientists lie about the discoveries, so they can keep on doing what they do. Why would they cause autism in young children? So that they can control you, of course. As stated in the article, the USA is 'the only country in the world where someone who is damaged by vaccines has no legal rights to sue the vaccine manufacturer.' Need I say more?

The ridiculous, sickening vaccination scheme which is followed in the US has no real use at all. Other developed countries don't have that much obligatory shots. The costs for the parents are probably skyrocketing, also. Parents with a clear eye and some common sense will quickly see all this shots aren't necessary for a young child at all. On top of that, parents with actual brains in their heads are demonized if they dare to speak out and refuse to get their children vaccinated.

There is not a single reason why this MMR vaccine should stil be given. It damages young children. That's not the effect a real vaccine should have. All they want is MONEY. And since you can't sue them, all the costs for bringing up a child with special needs are for the parents. This is pure and simple harm. To all parents with young children or children on the way: DO NOT HAVE YOUR CHILD VACCINATED. As I said before, there is absolutely no need to blast 10 or 15 vaccines into a child's body before the age of 2. Our immune systems simply aren't built for that. I would suggest you have the Polio shot and nothing else, but since I don't know how f*ed up those vaccines really are in the US, I would be careful.

DO NOT trust the CDC. They love to make up diseases so they can come up with a vaccine or cure, just to make you pay MONEY because hey, who doesn't want to be healthy?
Just think about the Ebola-epidemic for a second (yes, this is one of my pet pieves). Slowly and steadily, the world is starting to realize this virus spreads through the air and not solely through contact with bodily fluids. (check it out) Why would they try to cover up the fact that Ebola could be airborne or that the MMR vaccine can cause autism? Because they don't care about you. They don't. And they even care less about black people, but that sadly isn't a surprise.

A sick population is much easier to control. A sick person isn't going to protest or speak out. Children and grown ups with special needs such as autism, are much easier to control, because when it comes to legal measures, they don't have as much to say as regular people do.
It all makes so much sense when you think about it, at least if you make an effort to follow a psychopatic train of thought. Just think about it this way: a society without any diseases is not profitably for the big pharmaceutical companies. So what do they do? Make more people sick. Catch them while there young. Use the parents and make them feel guilty and dumb if they don't do what the CDC says they should do. Cover up unsatisfying test results. And keep on collecting the MONEY.

Another great link on the matter can be found here, a series of videos is included also. I suggest you take a look at the first video, it makes everything much more clear.
Since mainstream media won't bat an eye and will only try harder to make this knowledge go away again, the truth will never be easily found. Luckily, more and more people are opening their eyes and speaking out against the evils of the CDC.
Inform yourself!


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