vrijdag 19 september 2014

Why men need us according to a female magazine

Once again, I almost threw up in my beverage when reading an amount of bullcrap. One of my facebook friends focussed my attention on this 'article', published on a Belgian website. Since it's in Dutch, I'll try to provide a translation without turning red and angry too much.

For those of you who speak Dutch, here's the link.

A little background information perhaps: the article was taken from the website flair.be. Flair is a Belgian magazine for women. It's pretty popular I guess, I bought it a couple of times some years back but it never really interested me. Hot topics this magazine covers weekly are fashion, make up advice, gossip, relationships, diets and sex. Nothing wrong with that of course, but sadly enough, this magazine never reached high levels when it comes to intelligence. Just like every womens magazine out there, the articles contain nothing more than a distorted idea of beauty and relationships. This weekly appearing piece of garbage is doing nothing more than confirming the differences between men and women. Since all womens magazines I've ever laid eyes on are doing this, I'll skip the magazine dissing and go straight to the article.

Here's my translation of this 'wisdom' provided to us by, of course, other women. Besides, putting it in the 'LOL' category on your website does not make it less serious, Flair, okay?

'Why men need us'

Evident: because they will be super happy. But that's not just it!

*Because 80% of them can't cook rice.

*If we wouldn't be there, they could not loudly laugh with their sexist jokes.

*Without us, they would only eat red meat and fries. And they would all die at age 40, after a heartattack.

*Without us, they would have no knowledge of the colours 'lightcoral' and 'royal blue'.

*Without us, they would go to work in white socks.

*Without us, they would become big, blood-thirsty beasts without hearts again.

*Without us, they would give their mother a cactus for Christmas.

*Without us, they would not know how much fun it is to play soccer with a mini-Peter in the yard.

*Without us, they would only have 3 topics of conversation: soccer, cars and the stock market. Now, at least they can also talk about the quality of cashmere, milk and essential spices and oils.

*Without us, they would have nothing to make eye at.

*Thanks to us they can show us their female side: 'Honey, can I borrow your hydrating cream for a second?'

*Who would love them? Who would tell them they are beautiful and strong?

*And most of all: they would become extinct.

Wow. It's been a while since I've seen that much amount of crap on one single webpage. This text is so pityful and so full of nonsense, I really wonder who the genius was that wrote it. I'll never know who it was, but I know one thing: it was a woman. And that makes it so much harder for me to swallow this. If a man had written this, I would've been upset, too. But coming from a woman, this tells me a lot of them out there really believe this crap. Who came up with this? Who taught it would be okay to post this? And even more important: how many women will read this and believe this to be true?

If a man makes a sexist remark and I hear it, I react. I won't start calling him names, but I will at least try to explain to him that what he says is not right. If he's too dumb to understand, which happens most of the time, I'll simply ignore him and put him on my mental blacklist. I'm really shocked that someone with the same body parts as me, the same struggles as me, is this dumb and ignorant.

It is exactly this kind of 'knowledge' that makes the differences between both sexes even wider. I don't give Jack shht about 'royal blue' or 'cashmere'. I know more about soccer than most of my guy friends combined. I don't want children. My boyfriend doesn't need to give his mother anything, he has to respect her. Men are still bloodthirsty beasts. I would slap my boyfriend in the face if he started talking about essential oils. Not because he is a man, but because I don't care about those subjects. Is that all we, women, have to contribute? Talking about shit you can buy with MONEY? Cooking rice? Laughing shyly when someone insults us?

Men and women still have a looooong road to go to get to the point where we can conversate and behave amongst each other. Sexism, just like racism, will never go away. But we could start with not writing 'articles' like this.


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