dinsdag 9 september 2014

Cop vs. black guy

I'm not black. To be honest, I'm as white as a honky. To tell you even more, I know black people are equal to white people. I don't 'believe' this to be true, my ideas about the subject are much more stronger than simple belief. I haven't found one meaningful argument why white people are better. We can't even dance. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

I've been following the events in Ferguson just like we all do I guess. I haven't written anything about it because I couldn't really do more than all the people before me did: express my utter and full disgust about what white, redneck cops can do to human beings.

I always thought race was less of an issue here in Belgium, but I'm aware now that this idea is just a wrong white-girl assumption. (To be honest, I don't even know if saying 'black people' is considered a 'good' or a 'racist' term in the US...) Since I'm white, I never get personally confronted with racist remarks against myself. So yes, I have no idea what it's like. Doesn't mean I can't show solidarity and write about it. Even more, I believe more white people should speak out against racism. I mean, we are the ones doing it.

Before I start a rant about how much I HATE cops and about how STUPID racism is, I'll just proceed to what I wanted to show you. This little video probably expresses the feelings of most African Americans these days. Check it out!

I think it's funny. On the other hand, it's only funny because it's true... I know racism won't go away, not ever. But I do believe we should all stand up against this racist pigs, shooting at unarmed men, just because they have little dicks or no self-esteem. It won't take away the racism, but by not giving these John Waynes military equipment and by not letting them get away with second or first degree murder, maybe this shht won't happen this much.

If we don't start speaking out against police violence and racism, it'll soon be too late. And with 'we', I mean 'every person on the planet capable of doing so'. I guess it will take a white victim for most non-coloured people to realize this is just the beginning. Those cops really need to CALM THE FUCK DOWN.


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