zondag 31 augustus 2014

Protesting Israel goes by unnoticed

I try to be up-to-date with the news, and since I don't own a television, I check some online Belgium newspapers everyday. Luckily I also read some less corporate-influenced news, too. On top of that, I have some online friends who I love to share information with.
Take a look at the article a good American friend sent me: http://rt.com/news/183932-protest-airport-blood-belgium/

This protest, of which I'm so proud it was done by Belgian females, was not mentioned in any of the other sources I use. I'm not surprised that 'alternative news' websites didn't report it. We are a small country, and since no real press statement was made, I wouldn't expect this news to go global. But apparently, it did, else Reuters would not have made an article about it. Which I missed.

I always wanted to believe that freedom of speech and a solid, trustworthy covering of the news were some of the characteristics my country still had. I'm aware that this is not true. Sometimes it just startles me about how wrong I was in thinking this.

Since the conflict started again, a lot of citizens and politicians from Belgium spoke out against Israel-the-killer-nation. But we couldn't really say what we wanted from the beginning. Some events happened last year that helped us make a respons to the conflict in which we are almost afraid of telling the truth.

Sadly enough, some 'terrorist' decided to enter the Jewish museum in Brussels at May, 24. He shot and killed 4 people. From the beginning of this incident until now, I didn't feel good about it. Not only because of the people dying, but also because something felt fishy.
The alledged killer was arrested on May, 30 in Marseille, France. There, he was supposed to be a member of a group with 'radical ideas'. Up until now, no witness has placed him at the crime scene, and the video tape of the event isn't really clear. In short, I'm not that sure this man did it. Even the newspapers don't call him 'the killer', they call him 'the suspected killer'. Too many stuff just doesn't add up in this case.

Besides it being evil and psychotic to stage a shooting in order to discredit muslims and to put jews in a 'better' light, it's also a very smart move. First, people will remember the violence being used against jews as being very real, since it happened next to our front door. Second, by trying to make us feel sympathetic, they also slipped in this idea that commenting on Israel makes you a nazeh.

And so  happened. The conflict rose up again, and so did the protest, luckily. But we can't say all we want. Numberous people have had to make apologies for telling the truth. For speaking out against this Zionist pigs, killing women and children in broad daylight without even having to think about the consequences.

Note: the people protesting are all mostly white Belgians. Sadly enough, it's not 'cool' for muslims to speak out, too. Because muslisms are dangerous!
It's unbelievable how this fear is being cultivated and used in order to create division and fear in our society. During a protest against Israel, an ISIS flag was seen amongst the attendees. This happened first in the Netherlands but some days later, also over here. This is just plain ridiculous. In Antwerp, we have a pretty big population of muslims from Morrocco and Turkey, mostly. I'm planning on writing about that too, but for now I'll just say we do have differences and we do think in stereotypes. But this goes for the both of us. I am 100% sure that 98% of Belgium muslims wants nothing to do with ISIS.

Anyway, giving these two reasons why it's not cool to speak out against Israel here, I really don't see any reason anymore to not believe we were prepped. Kids leaving from Belgium for Syriah, a lunatic killing jews, ISIS protestants amongst our children and women... We should reallllly start supporting those Zionists, because the real enemy is right besides you! Ermagherd!

Cool thing is, altho most people here will believe the hoaxes, we still don't like this criminal state of Israel. Up yours, it'll take a lot more propaganda and martial law before you can stop us from thinking like you want us to.

Sabetha (I love changing my name from time to time)

woensdag 27 augustus 2014

Pageant tapeworm

The child pageant world is something unique for the US, I think. In Belgium, we do have beauty contests like most states, but it would be unthinkable to host one for toddlers and children over here. Or even in any other European country. The public would simply not allow it.

I've seen quite some episodes of 'Toddlers and tiara's' and 'Little miss perfect'. Why? Because it FASCINATES me. I know it's brain-killing crap, but whenever I see one, I simply can't look away. The glitter! The fakeness! The over-the-top materialism, child worshipping and shallowness! But never was I prepared for some of the people and some of those dancing routines... In general, I feel a bit uneasy whenever an episode is over. I feel we should all question if shows like these should be broadcasted in the first place. But then again... Flippers! Fake tans! Pixie sticks! ...Wait, what?
Some of the stuff filmed during those events are so brainkilling that we simply don't question it anymore. When the first pageant I saw on that show was over, I felt so indifferent about it I didn't really care. I think we all have this reflex from time to time. It did shock me at first, and I was surprised how fast this reaction faded into some sort of sad acceptance. I was more upset when I found out that in the United States, this sugar-coated crap is broadcasted on 'The learning channel'. The irony.

Now, I know not all pageants are 'full glitz', but I've never seen a show with toddlers competing while looking like themselves. I think another type of parents visits those. But since I don't know that, I won't be discussing these.

I found 2 articles recently about highly disturbing behaviour from some of those pageant moms. First, I really believe you are being a bad parent if you allow (or better, make) your kid enter such contests. I'm all for being expressive and having hobbies and being a social child an whatnot. This is not what those pageants are about. They evolve around some psycho, arrogant, shallow, materialistic 'mothers' who would do anything to put their little bundle of joy in the spotlights. Nothing ever is too much for those lovely little princesses. The child happily responds to all those 'gifts' and 'opportunities' by morphing into a spoiled, dumb, vain and irritating child who has no idea what the real world is about. Gee, thanks mom!

Let's start off with something so disturbing, only a real glitz pageant mom could come up with. One of these perfect examples of female empowerment managed to let her child eat tapeworm eggs so she would lose weight (article).

What the flying f*? The article talks about the victim being a teenager and not a toddler, but for me this doesn't make any difference. I wouldn't be surprised if this piece of crap waited for her daughter to be older so she would less likely die from it. Either way, she was forced. People used to die from these parasites, but luckily they don't appear much anymore because of better hygiene and such. So this woman drove to Mexico to buy the eggs. This child must be really lucky, having a mother going such lengths for her to win the pageant.

My uncle used to be a cook, and he loved the taste of raw meat, so he often just sliced off a piece of steak and ate it. Guess what, he got a tapeworm. Parasites like that aren't really hard to get rid off, so he got some antibiotics, the thing died and left through the normal exit. Why am I telling you this? Because after the tapeworm left the building, he kept it conserved in formaldehyde. (Most people find it creepy or disgusting but I would have done exactly the same.) I really don't want to know how that happened but I've seen the little demon. And with 'little' I mean about 4 metres/13 feet. This was considered a normal one. And by normal I don't just mean the lenght. My uncle got it in a normal way, by some eggs in raw meat. This girl probably got dozens of eggs force fed by her mommy. She had multiple tapeworms. I really don't want to imagine that.

I can, on some level, understand why pageant moms pump up their children with sugar. I don't agree with this behaviour at all, but since we are all so desensitized for crap like that, I'm not even getting started about it. This shht, however, has nothing to do with being an obsessive mother. It's psychotic behaviour. I hope something is done, I really hope they put this woman in jail. I think no one has the right to separate parents from children, but this creature is not a parent. Just like more and more people out there are not parents.
Not only did this girl suffer physically, just imagine the emotional pain she must have been through. Feeding your kid a goddamn parasite isn't something you just do overnight. I'm sure a lot of terror and fights preceded this. Going such lenghts to make your daughter win means she did other drastic things in the past, too.

One thing I noticed while I saw some Toddlers and Tiaras episodes, is that weight loss is never really discussed. But it must be an issue, since (almost?) none of the contestants above the age of 8-9 are chubby. You would expect at least some kids with a few extra pounds, especially since children that age normally don't follow diets. But it's never mentioned. It must be an issue, tho. The pageant world combined with crazy, deluded moms makes a perfect combination for eating disorders. I guess mommy just looked at the worms as a solution when diet pills and other methods didn't satisfy her. You evil, manipulating, sick excuse for a mother.

On to the next article describing the loads of garbage this pageant world inhabits.This one covers that, surprise surprise, a lot of pageant 'moms' could be suffering from a mental condition. They call it 'princess by proxy', considered to be a unique form of Münchhausen by proxy (article). People with Münchhausens, mostly mothers, pretend their child is sick in order to get attention. They will fake diseases and lab results, lie about symptoms or even harm the child. It's also one of the main causes for sudden infant death syndrome.

I don't know whether this is really the issue or not, maybe it needs more research. But it does make sense to me. The tapeworm tale sure fits the pattern.
Also, I can't picture why else you would make your child dress up like a whore and make her dance suggestively. The fact that a big portion of these 'moms' could be sick, should ease the pain but it doesn't. The effects for so many children are still the same. So why is this still being broadcasted?

These 'beauty contests' embody everything that's wrong with the world these days. A completely distorted image of beauty. Over the top materialism. Child worshipping. Ignorance and the dumbing down of society. A total lack of moral and values.
But it grows on ya. Television is numbing our feelings and lowering our standards. Instead of questioning the things we see, we keep on watching them until we forget the question, so we don't need an answer anymore. And god, are they sneaky? Because we all want to see who wins and even more, who loses. In cases such as this, the hypnotizing effect of meaningless and shallow television programs is fully visible. And it's scary. It's as scary as my uncles tapeworm.

Mary Jane

dinsdag 26 augustus 2014

Antwerp central station rocks

According to the website Mashable, the Antwerp central station is the most beautiful one in the world. tee-hee. Citizens of Antwerp already knew this, of course... ;) Source: http://mashable.com/2014/08/23/beautiful-railway-stations/

It's funny how we don't notice the beauty that's right in front of us. I used to work in the station for 2 years, and I've known that station from when I was six years old. So I'm kind of used to it's awesomeness.
It took a lot of renovations to make it bigger and more accesable, so more trains could come and go. Before that, it already was beautiful. Construction works took over a decade, and I believe some parts still aren't finished. To be honest, I wasn't fond of the changes in the first place, but I must admit the modern area in the back adds to the architecture in general. I see Liége is on the list, too This is probably my favourite one in Belgium. I'm not a big fan of modern building styles, but this one really rocks.

I would love to see the ones in Stockholm, Dubai, London... Actually, I'd love to see them all. I wonder if those other countries suffer from delayed trains and defect carriages too... Because that does take away some of the beauty at times.

Mary Jane

vrijdag 22 augustus 2014

Why I don't like Eminem anymore

When I was 11 years old, puberty hit me and it hit me hard. I was a depressed, unhappy teen for reasons that don't matter right now. During this period, that lasted for sadly enough, a decade, I found comfort in a lot of things. Amongst those things, music probably was one of the most important ones. Music is always there, it doesn't judge, it's an instant comfort for many millions of people, and I was no different.

The year I became sad was the same year Eminem released 'The Marshall Mathers LP'. I did not have much money for records, but I got this one and I still know most lyrics by heart. Although it has messages which I really can't appreciate anymore, I want to stress the fact that this album was exactly what I needed. For me it felt like all my anger and fear was melted into 18 tracks, and by listening to it, I could get rid of some of it.

When I was 16, we got internet at my place. I downloaded all of his other music: 'The Eminem Show' and 'Encore', but also his older work. I liked 'Infite', his first record, the most. I wasn't too fond of 'Encore' and after that album, I kinda stopped following him.

Almost a year ago, Eminem performed at the Pukkelpop festival in Belgium. Of course, I did not miss this change to see my childhood hero perform life. The ticket sales were going very quick, it was like every citizen of Belgium wanted to see this man live. Important to know is this: Eminem was supposed to perform at this same festival twice, but it never happened. One time, he was arrested in the US and couldn't leave the country. The second time, a huge storm hit the festival in which 5 people died. The organisation decided to stop the festival after the storm. So you could say three times a charm, there were no storms or legal disputes, all of us fans were there, and we did expect a show.

I was disapointed.

First of all, Marshall let us wait for about 30 minutes. Oh he was there, he just didn't feel like going on stage. After the concert I heard some rumours about why he kept us waiting. I've heard he wanted the security personnel replaced, because the ones backstage reminded him too much of his daddy and his ex. I don't know if this is true. I did see some security guards walking onto the backstage about 5 minutes before the concert started. Anyway, I can forgive my hero for being late. But if this gossip is true, please get over it and get a life. Constantly bashing people because of what happened to you when you weren't a millionair is, well, childish.

Secondly, and I could have forseen this one, the songs he performed weren't my cup of tea. I looked up the setlist for you guys:
1. Survival
2. Won't back down
3. 3am
4. Square Dance
5. Business
6. Kill you
7. White America
8. Mosh
9. No love
10. Just don't give a fuck
11. Criminal
12. Cleanin out my closet
13. The way I am
14. Fast Lane
15. Lighters
16. Airplanes part 2
17. Stan
18. Sing for the moment
19. Like toy soldiers
20. Forever
21. Till I collapse
22. Cinderella Man
23. Love the way you lie
24. My name is
25. The real slim shady
26. Without me
27. Not afraid
28 Lose yourself
At the end of the day, he did perform some of his old songs, but I would have liked to hear some more. I understand this is pure personal preference so I won't take it out on him.

Thirdly, Marshall had a lot of fireworks, TV screens and other special effects to make his show more, I don't know, spicy? It was kind of sad to see how much he likes himself. Personally, I don't trust someone who tells me he's awesome every 2 minutes. But this was exactly what he was doing. The screens pictured him as a child, a performer, a normal man... At some moment, I was really expecting to see some pictures of Em taking a shit. We get it Marshall, you really like yourself. Nice for you.

Four: there was NO interaction with the public whatsoever. I was pretty close to the stage, lets say I was 10 meters behind it. I didn't hear him say anything personal towards the crowd. In general, he looked bored and didn't really care about the fact he was destroying his image for thousands of die-hard fans.

But lastly, the thing that really psst me of, was the fact that he playbacked the whole fucking show. I know this has been a hot topic ever since.... Did he or did he not? Believe me, I recognize a fraud when I see one. He DID. I noticed during the first song and started focussing on it, and yes, he did. So sad. Even more sad was the fact I couldn't even run from this idiot, the place was so packed you could hardly breathe.
Why would you playback a show like that? I can't and I won't forgive you for this, Marshall, never. Since that dreadful day in August, I haven't listened to one of your songs. I skip the station when your voice is on. That's what happens when you don't make any effort for your fans. I lost all respect I had for you, and I really wanted to smack that grin of your face.

I was lucky that year, because just a month back, I saw Wu Tang Clan perform at Dour festival. I can tell you this: it was by far the best concert I ever saw. Just 9 men on a stage, kicking it old school, I loved it. No stupid screens telling us how great they are, no fireworks, not even a banner. They started on time, had visible fun at the stage, interacted a LOT with the fans... It was brilliant, a great example that rap can truly be music that unites people. I couldn't stop comparing Marshall to the Wu, and guess who won? My respect for the Wu Tang Clan has become even higher after that gig. I want to thank all of you guys for a lovely evening.

After his concert tour, Marshall released 'The Marshall Mathers LP 2'. I was still angry, but I checked out some of the songs, just for old time's sake. And you know what? They SUCK. I expect more from someone calling himself a rap god. You are not a god. Right now, you are not even a rapper anymore. What rapper tours with Rihanna? The same one that playbacks his whole show. The same one that used do diss artists such as Rihanna. You are not a genuine artist, Marshall, stop trying to make people believe you are.

Luckily for you, Marshall, you will always have fans. I saw people crying during your concert. I saw people cheering for you and I heard others declaring you truly are a rap god. Frankly, it doesn't take much to be one. I don't know what could have been done to prove these fans wrong, since a bad show and playbacking didn't do the trick. But it's not my problem anymore. I still like to rant about you from time to time, but the influence you had on me during my youth is fastly fading. It just leaves me with one question: were you always a fraud? Was I always this stupid to put my trust in you? Or do you really have some talent left, but are you just too lazy and too god-like to show us? Stop being an illuminati puppet. Stop making crap music. You are rich enough as it is.

I wish you a happy life, Marshall, I really do. Unlike you, I know the past is the past. I like to move on and spend time listening to artists who are worth listening to. You clearly are not. I can't have my wasted years back, but I can chose not to listen to your garbage any more. And you know what? I'm loving it. You will never fool me twice.

Mary Jane

dinsdag 19 augustus 2014

The VMA's: a foreshadowing

Over here, the VMA's aren't as big as they are in the US. We all saw that raunchy Miley Virus performance a year back, but overal, we don't really care that much. Since the show is broadcasted at 3am in the morning, not many people watch it live. Of course, some of us will tape it and some of us will stay up, but in general, it's not a big thing over here.

I'm going to take one for the team and tape the whole mess, so I can review it. But before that, I want to give you my motives for doing so.
First, the VMA's are broadcasted in a lot of countries. Everything that happens during that night, especially the controversial stuff, will go viral within minutes. I believe that performances, music and artists have a big impact on our youth, on the way we look at things and on values. No, I did start twerking after I saw Miley climb out of that giant teddybear. But that doesn't mean it didn't have an impact on young children or teenagers.

The most important reason I have for doing this, is that I recently opened my eyes to the lies and filth of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The reason why it took me so long to realise something is totally wrong with artists and music these days, is because I really don't care about popular artists. I never really looked into the matter because I ignored most 'artists' that are considered big now. I was always told to simply not listen to stuff I don't like instead of bitchin about it. But then, I discovered www.vigilantcitizen.com, and I finally opened my eyes to the evils and loads of crap that the entertainment business inhabits. I suggest you visit that website and read some articles on it. Do research yourself, look into the matter provided by sites such as the Vigilant Citizen and many others. Inform yourself about the illuminati. And try to have an open mind. It won't harm you, I promise. (but it will pss you off)

I believe a secret society runs the world and tries to bring it's symbolism in every day live. To give you an overview, here's a list of the most important Illuminati symbols.

(I 'stole' this list from http://www.illuminatirex.com/illuminati-symbols/, but I added some more pictures myself. I want to thank the author for the excellent overview.)

1. The all-seeing eye
Probably the most known and portrayed one. The eye symbolizes the eye of Satan, looking over the minions.

Of course, it could all be just a coincidence. But if you do a quick google search, you'll see that almost every artist these days poses with one eye covered. Two explanations: artists these days have no original idea of their own, or they are all flashing illuminati signs. Also, check this out for a better overview of celebrities flashing the all-seeing eye: http://media-conspiracy-manipulation.blogspot.be/2011/11/all-seeing-eye-hand-covering-face.html

2. The pyramid
The pyramid represents the top-down command structure of the Illuminati. A giant base, being us, the masses, and a small top, the elite that 'runs the world'.

Daft Punk at the 2014 Grammy Awards

'Oh, isn't Beyoncé just flashing the sign for her hubby's brand Rockafella?' NO. This is one of the oldest illuminati symbols, Rockafella really isn't that old. Besides, 'Rockafella'? Rockefeller? One of the most important illuminati bloodlines? Think, people.

3. Devil horns

I know this symbol is common amongst metalheads. Also, I know a lot of people who love to listen to metal, and they all dislike popular artists. So why would they make this hand gesture? Are they secretly trying to infiltrate the metal world? I don't think Obama has any intentions of doing that. This symbol is older than metal. Also, most metal bands have less pictures showing them doing this sign then your average sell-out.

4. The owl
Represents Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. Stands for the knowledge the enlightened ones have which we don't.

Owls are cute, I get it. I'm not saying the owl is an evil animal, the symbolism of the owl, however, is.
In Greek mythology, Minerva/Athena's owl represents knowledge.

5. The pentagram

The pentagram, whether inverted or not, is a very old and strong mystic symbol. It is used in old religions, wicca and modern occultism.
The practise of inverting symbols, like the cross or the pentagram, means the meaning is inverted too.
I really wonder why so many artists who claim to have come from a christian household, are seen with a pentagram. But this five-pointed star is of high importance for those in power. Just think of the Pentagon for example, the epicenter of US power.

Taylor Momsen


Ariana Grande

Some fashion brand

6. 666

First of all: the handsign shown is not the symbol for 'OK'. It's actually three 6'es. Each finger held up represents one six, and the round you make with your thumb and index finger is the base for each six.
Second, I don't think this symbolism needs explanation. It's da devil.

2013 VMA's

Also, notice how in some of these pics, they simultaniously flash us a one-eye. You sneaky!

7. Fire

Fire, bringing light to the people, thus 'illuminating' them. He who holds the fire, holds the knowledge. Also, Satan is known as 'the torch bearer'

The Olympic torch

Katy Perry at the 2014 Grammy Awards

8. The skull

We've all heard about the 'secret' skull and bones society, which gave us Geore W Bush and some other great people. The skull is also a sinister symbol. After all, it symbolises death. I never understood why these artists of today have to have such an obsession with dying and the occult. Now I know.

Lady Gaga

9. The obelisk

An obelisk can be found on most sites which represent power. Again, the top is the highest, with all the power.


The Vatican


10. Nazi salute

This salute is banned in most European countries, and a public display is disencouraged. But I found this...

Besides, Hitler stole more than just one concept. His swastika is actually an old Sanskrit symbol.

Okay, if you weren't aware of the information I just told you, just bear with me for some more sentences. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. All of the artists out there, who are selling and who are considered big, are doing the same symbolism over and over and over again. Just do some research for yourself. The results are stunning.

The music industry is bigbigbig bussiness. Do you really believe those in power have nothing to do with that? No better way to shape a mind than through music and television. I really can't believe not a single artist has an original song or music video concept these days. It's always the same shii. (I mean popular artists, not underground or less known ones)

You don't have to believe everything I say. But you really can't deny that this symbolism is dominating the music bussiness.

Okay, so far for the foreshadowing. I secretly can't wait for the VMAs, I'm really curious about what symbolism will be used. I'm 'looking forward' to see Beyonce perform the most. Her last albums have flopped and she and JayZ are rumored to have marital problems. I'm pretty sure she'll show everything she has to stay relevant. What do you have to do to stay relevant? Greet those who own you.

I'm also planning on doing another post on symbolism. There's a lot more illuminati symbolism out there, it's just too much to put in one post (and I'm done with it for now, hehe). Also, I will cover some ideas and examples on mind control symbolism. (Yes. you read that right. Just google 'MK ULTRA or 'project Monarch' for more on the matter.)

(side note: a lot of people have wrote about this matter in a much better way than me. I just want to contribute and spread the word as much as possible. I bet you can find 156848 other posts, articles and even books that are lots better than what I just wrote. So if you want to know more, please do a search and educate yourself. There is a LOT out there, but luckily enough, the truth can be found, if you want to at least.)

Mary Jane

maandag 18 augustus 2014

Ebola in Belgium? Also, it does spread through the air. Proof and such!

http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/989/Binnenland/article/detail/1995839/2014/08/18/Ebola-in-Oostende-Guineeer-in-quarantaine-geplaatst.dhtml, link in Dutch

According to Belgian newspaper De Morgen, a 13 year old boy was quarantined in an Ostend hospital. The boy came in with severe fever. He flew in last week from Guinea.

The facts aren't confirmed yet, and the hospital said the boy contracted malaria. But, the doctors do not exclude a simultanious infection with the Ebola virus.

People who came in contact with the boy are also quarantined, but not in the hospital, at their homes. Within 48 hours, we should get a confirmation whether or not the boy is infected.

UPDATE AUGUST 19: The boy doesn't have Ebola. Good news!

Also on the Ebola virus: I promised you guys some posts back that I was following the evolution with a keen eye. I was referring to the possibility that Ebola might spread through the air, too. Look what I found some couple of days ago: http://pontiactribune.com/cdc-criteria-for-ebola-transmission-being-within-3-feet-or-in-same-room-can-lead-to-infection/

If the CDC says that you can get infected by being within 3 feet or in the same room with a patient, it means they are lying LESS. Read what it says, people. Just come clean and be honest. But of course, lying to the people and exposing us all fits the plan.

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. The CDC and the WHO are doing Jack shii to stop this disease from spreading. First, they fly in infected people to all corners of the world. Second, they lie about the transmission methods this virus uses. If being in the same room without contact with the patient or his bodily fluids means you can get it, it means IT SPREADS THROUGH THE AIR. They tried to cover up a 2012 study which found the exact same thing in pigs, by saying the virus the pigs contracted, was a different type of string than this one. Could be. But virusses are very smart and cunning, known to have the capability to evolve very fast. Having more ways of spreading is a very good quality for a virus.

'Why would the CDC or even our own government try to kill us with a gruesome disease?' 
I don't know. I do have some ideas. One, those in power want to depopulate us as much as possible, so we will be smaller in numbers and easier to control. Personally, I believe option 2 more: by posing a threath, they can make way for a police state in which people are taking in quarantine 'for their own good'.
Am I being dellusional? Check a recent disaster or disease movie. What always happens when the people go crazy and get scared? Indeed. Our good friends the militarized police come to play, with erruptions of violence and a loss of human rights. I am not making this up. This is what Hollyweird has been feeding us, and this is what will happen. If of course the virus spreads in a rapid and deadly way. I'm not sure yet this will happen. But my doubts are getting lower every day.
Possibly, some other reason is at stake here, but I haven't found another one yet I can really believe in. If you have another insight on why we are in this mess, feel free to let me know.

Again, I'm being realistic. The chance you or me will inherit this disease... I think chances are getting higher everyday, but there is no need to panic. Just remember to buy some mouth masks, if the epidemic spreads further.

(I should really learn to keep to my subject instead of starting a rant on something else, hehe)

Mary Jane

zaterdag 16 augustus 2014

Positive fashion news, it exists

Dissing the fashion industry is one of my favourite guilty pleasures. But to be honest, I'd rather post uplifting and hopeful stories. I came across a series of pictures made by Indian photographer Rahul Saharan. Instead of picturing models who all basically look the same, he chose to follow a different path. He picked out 3 women for his shoot, all 3 of them acid attack survivors.

Check it out on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rahulsaharanphotography/media_set?set=a.672517859496906.1073741865.100002160949522&type=1

This is just amazing. The women pictured are clearly damaged for live, but they show a confidence and above all inner beauty that I rarely see in fashion shoots. This makes me wonder, are they really that damaged after all? Or does our society think that?
Overcoming an acid attack must be very hard. But having to live with the results of it everyday, is something we undamaged people simply can't imagine. I believe that the distorted idea we have about what beauty should be, makes it hard for these models to live their lives.
The women are shown from a different angle, by picturing them not only as survivors, but as normal girls who like to dress in pretty clothes as well. Because that is exactly what they are, women like you and me. They might not look like the fashion industry wants us to look. This does not mean they don't deserve a place in the spotlights, too.

I believe we can all learn from this brave young women. Wether you are scarred, big or skinny, black or white, old or young, we should be proud of who we are. There is so much more than meets the eye, which these pictures clearly show.
Also, this series shows that some photographers out there do care about all kinds of people. Shoots and ideas like this should be encouraged. After all, we don't get to choose how we look (well, that is if you don't count plastic surgery of course). We can however choose how we view the world. Stepping away from the normal beauty standard and honestly showing all kinds of people, would be the greatest thing that could happen to the fashion industry.
Because honestly, how many people look like a regular model?

Mary Jane

donderdag 14 augustus 2014

An anti-obesity commercial: the idea is good, the message is one-sided

Obesity is a 'big' problem in all  the first world countries. I was always told the problem is way more intense in the United States, and while walking down the streets of Antwerp, I rarely see people who are morbidly obese. On the other hand, a recent study showed that almost 50 percent of all Belgians is overweight. (http://www.knack.be/nieuws/gezondheid/bijna-helft-van-belgische-bevolking-kampt-met-overgewicht/article-normal-139779.html, link in Dutch)
Being overweight means your BMI lies between 25 and 30. Higher than 30 makes you obese. Excessive bodyweight is, as we all know, very unhealthy. It is associated with a lot of diseases, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer and asthma. Besides physical problems, a lot of overweight people have symptoms of depression. Our society has a distorted idea about what beauty is, making overweight people feel bad about how they look.

A promotional add has been released in the United States, I'd like to share with you guys. In this infomercial, a man in his thirties is rushed to the hospital after he had a heart attack. Through flashbacks we learn that his bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle started at a very young age.

watch it on youtbe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NucgI_ReCQ

It's sad that such a good intention can lead to such an amount of bullcrap. Let me point out what bothers me about this clip.

First, the mother is seen as the root of all evil. But he clearly has a dad, too. Isn't he also responsible? The period in history where it was solely women cooking is over, people. Dads should take their responsibilities too.
But I do agree a lot of trouble can come from parents not stimulating their children to make the right nutrition choices. As an example, I have a little cousin, 4 years old, who goes to kindergarten. He is very skinny and weak, and a bad eater. Maybe, just maaaybe, some trouble could be spared if his mom stopped giving him chocolate milk for breakfast and if she stopped forgetting to give him a good lunch instead of some candy bars. When you are 4 years old, you can't make the right choices yet. But you should stimulate children to learn to appreciate all foods.
The hypothesis that mommy is responsible for all of this is just ridiculous, but I do agree that it can have a giant impact on the childs health.

Second, no solutions are presented in this story. They tell us to 'start here', but what does that mean? The man shown isn't capapble of going back in time to undo his unhealthy habits. Instead of giving answers, they focused only on what you shouldn't do. But people with weight problems often don't have enough knowlegde about food. They don't know how to cook healthy, and they should be properly informed about calories, vegetables, cooking... Obese people don't need another clip showing them how bad their habits are. They need knowledge.

But what bothers me the most is the fact that all other factors that can lead to obesity are ignored. The man pictured is stated to be 32 years old. Can you really still blame mommy for your weight when you are 32 years old? I would love to see a commercial blaming all possible causes. Blaming mommy is way too easy. What about killer companies such as Monsanto, trying to make us eat crap instead of real food. GMO's are largely forbidden here in Europe, and I believe that to be one of the main causes why we don't have more morbidly obese people.
The food in schools often is below quality. Not only that, no real subject on the matter is presented in the classroom. This should be obligatory, since we are eating ourselves into an early grave.
Fastfood restaurants and instant meals become more and more popular. As an example, the company 'Just Eat' just reached an enormous profit. The company provides an app in which you can easily order food online. (http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/30540/DM-Apps/article/detail/1989857/2014/08/14/Omzet-Just-Eat-door-het-dak-het-succesrecept-van-de-fastfoodapp.dhtml, link in Dutch)
Yes, I sometimes order food online, too. But the trend that food should be easy and fast is getting us into trouble. There is nothing wrong with eating a nice pizza or burger once in a while. But I wonder how many people order food on a daily basis.

I would love to see warnings on fastfood, just like we have warnings on packs of cigarettes. Do they help? No, sadly enough I haven't been able to kick that habit yet. So maybe we should rise the prices for fastfood, like they did for smokes. Don't forget that coronary diseases and not lung cancer or other smoking-related health problems, are the real killers. Conditions related to a large amount of body fat kill much more people every year than smoking and 'second hand' smoking combined. Think about that. Healthy food really isn't that expensive.
But of course, companies such as Mc Donalds and Pizza Hut are world wide bussinessess, with a lot to say and a lot of MONEY. Most of us have seen 'Supersize Me', and although I am aware that this is not a scientific study, the results of eating fast food every day are pretty clear. So why haven't there been real changes made to the menus? Yes, you can order salads now. But be honest, nobody does that. And even if you do, most of those salads contain as much calories as a portion of fries, because the salad is drenched in oil and vinegar.

Teaching your children to eat healthy and exercise regularly is probably one of the most important things you can do to prevent people from becoming obese. But it is not the only reason for weight problems. We have all become way too lazy and we all eat way too much meat. I've seen images of American and Belgium barbeques and feasts with amounts of meat piled up, combined with greasy fries and questionable salads. Eating healthy is considered boring, and that's the real problem here. (I'll get back on that later)

I think obesity is a problem that goes way further than just bad eating habits. A lot of people are addicted to food, just like I am addicted to cigarettes. So I know what I'm talking about when I tell you that bad habits don't usually change overnight. Also, campaigns like this one will have less to no effect.
Our governments should try something else, if they really want this problem solved. Promote healthy food instead of showing us the results of obesity. We all know that by now. Stimulate farmers to keep producing natural products instead of  GMO crap. Stop eating ridiculous amounts of meat.

Tabbaco commercials are banned in most countries, which is a good thing. It's pretty ironical that Mc Donalds, of all companies, was one of the main sponsors during the last World Cup in Brazil. If children are bombed with spots for happy meals and other crap, no one bats an eye. As long as they don't smoke, right? Kind of reminds me of this South Park episode, 'Butt out':

Mary Jane

Mothers day!

My poetic skills are almost non-existant, I admit that. But I do like to write poems sometimes, especially on occasions such as this. August 15 is mothers day in Antwerp (not in whole Belgium), and I decided to write some sentences down to honour my mother. I originally wrote it in Dutch, but I tried to make an English translation.
I know it makes no real sense, but my mom will get it, that's what counts.

Niks moest ik geven, maar toch heb ik iets meegebracht,
zoals gij altijd bij mij bent, heb ik u altijd bij.
Ik zou u rust willen geven, maar die hebt ge zelf gevonden.
Antwoorden heb ik niet, want die geeft gij aan mij.
De juistheid ervan is van geen belang,
wat telt is de intentie.
Geld bezit ik niet, maar ik heb ideeën
en liefde, en
woede ook, van u geërfd misschien
of zelf ontwikkeld
dat weet ik niet.
Als de zon weer eens verdwenen is en als de
zwanen hun laatste lied zingen,
dan zijt gij daar, misschien niet in wezen
maar wel in geest.
De geest die mij leidt
de geest die mij gevormd heeft
de geest die altijd blijft
nu, tot in de eeuwigheid.

You told me not to bring you anything, but I did,
as you are always with me, I am always with you.
I'd like to give you inner peace, but you found that yourself.
I don't have answers, because you provide those for me.
The correctness is of no importance,
what counts is the intention.
I don't have money, but I have ideas
and love, and
also anger, maybe inherited from you,
or self-developed
I don't know.
If the sun is dissapearing again and if the
swans are singing their last song,
then you are there, maybe not in person
but in spirit.
The spirit that guides me,
the spirit that formed me,
the spirit that's evermore present,
from now until eternity.

Mary Jane

woensdag 13 augustus 2014

Stuff I like: 'Trailer Park Boys'

An American friend of mine introduced me to this Canadian show which I find, well, hilarious. Low budget, shot in documentary style, this series follows the escapades of Ricky and Julian, residents of the Sunnyvale trailer park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ricky and Julian are always getting in and out of jail. Both not very keen of work, the boys and their friends come up with crazy ideas to get rich. Many of them include growing dope and stealing money. Trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey and his assistent Randy try very hard to get the boys back behind bars. And if that isn't enough, problems with Lucy, Ricky's on-and-off girlfriend are never far away. But luckily they have each other, and the friends stick together no matter what. At least most of the time.

The series currently has 7 seasons, with a 8th and 9th season on the way. The new episodes will not air on television, but on their website, www.swearnet.com. Also, 3 movies have been made: 'Trailer Park Boys: the movie' (2006), 'Count down to liquoir day' (2009) and 'Don't legalize it' (2014). To top it of, you can also watch 'Live in fucking Dublin' (2013), which consists of footage from the boy's comedy tour.

Because I love this series so much, and because I too get tired of b*ing all the time, I'll give you a description of the series main characters, to make you warm for it.

Ricky: the fun loving criminal

Ricky, in short, loves getting drunk, smoking dope, pepperoni, his daughter Trinity, canned ravioli, chicken fingers, cigarettes and his dad. He also loves to get in trouble and refuses to work. While hot-headed, he is also a loyal friend and has a big love for the people in his live, including Julian, his father Ray, Trinity and of course Bubbles. On the other hand, he can be really agressive towards other people and he swears a lot.
While trying to earn some money with mostly illegal activities, he f*s up a lot because he simply isn't that smart. Luckily he has his own way of getting out of trouble, since he is a pro when it comes to lying to the police. He is also known for his malapropisms. He loves Lucy, the mother of his child. Ricky lives in his car and is pretty happy about that.

Julian: the man

Julian is the reason the guys are being filmed, because he hired the camera crew to make a documentary on his life. Julian is much smarter than Ricky, he likes to read and think about things. He is softer and more accesible, and all the people who live in the trailer park treat him with respect. Julian and Ricky have been best friends since childhood. Julian wants to get rich and retire, so he spends most of his days commiting crimes such as bootlegging to earn some money. Julian is always seen with a drink in his hand. He is muscular and always wears a tight black shirt. As a kid, he was obsessed with Patrick Swayze in 'dirty dancing', and he hates it when someone mentions this to him. Julian is intimidating, but deep inside he is very compassionate and tries to avoid confrontation as much as possible. When trouble arises, the whole park looks at Julian to fix it.

Bubbles: the cat-loving, weird but loyal friend

Bubbles is the third and last main protagonist. His real name is never revealed. Bubbles loves cats and goes through a lot of trouble to take care for them. His eyesight is really bad, but don't let those silly glasses fool you: Bubbles is very smart. He always tries to calm Ricky and Julian down and sort of acts like their conscience. For a living, he steals and fixes shopping carts, which he then sells back to the stores. He often helps the boys with their illegal plans, although deep inside he would rather spend time with his cats. He is easily scared and tends to cry fast while he is upset. But don't make him angry, he can wrestle! He loves pickled eggs, dope, drinking, working on carts, and of course, kitties.

Corey and Trevor

These two best friends look up to Ricky and Julian and try everything to get some respect from the boys. Sadly enough, they are both pretty dumb and a lot of illegal operations go wrong because they f* up. Always being picked on by Ricky, the boys have little self esteem and would do anything to get on a good note with them. Because of this, they always have to do the most dangerous jobs. Corey and Trevor are naieve, but also good-hearted.

Jim Lahey: the trailer park supervisor

Jim is the main antagonist of the series. After being kicked out of the police force, Jim has taken the job as trailer park supervisor, and he takes his job seriously. He is a notorious alcoholic, which brings him and the park in big trouble. He hates Ricky but secretly has a crush on Julian. He is always making up words and sentences including the word 'sh*t', as in 'sh*tstorms are coming' and 'a sh*t apple doesn't fall far from the sh*ttree'. He is often seen driving or stumbling around drunk. He has one daughter, Treena. Despite being a drunk, he can always think clearly and most of the time he knows what the boys are up to.

Randy: the assistant trailer park supervisor

Randy has a very close relationship with Jim Lahey. He loves cheeseburgers, drinking and onion rings. He never wears a shirt. He is constantly mocked by Ricky, JRoc, Bubbles, and almost every other inhabitant of Sunnyvale. He used to be a prostitute, selling his body for cheeseburgers, because 'a man's gotta eat'.

JRoc: the white rapper

JRoc is the 'gangsta' from Sunnyvale, trying to launch his rap career. He honestly believes he is black, and he hates it when people call him Jamie, his real name. He constantly says the words 'knowm sayin' and 'ma-fucka'. He acts likes a gangster but deep down he is a bit of a coward. He always hides when trouble occurs and he states that 'he doesn't do guns'. He has many criminal contacts and also holds some lucrative businessess, the most important one being his low budget porn movies.

Ray: Ricky's drunk father

Ray used to be a truck driver, but his current occupation is lying to the government about being disabled. He can walk perfectly but he prefers to sit in his wheelchair. Ray is an alcoholic and his favourite hobby is, no surprises here, drinking. He loves Ricky but he isn't what you would call a good father figure. As an old trucker habit, he always urinates in giant jugs which he then throws out of his window. He constantly refers to himself as 'the man in the chair'. He believes he is a Calvinist, but he doesn't really understand the religion. He is also addicted to gambling.

Why I love this show so much

1. The 'violence' shown is clearly fake and over the top, but no people are injured or hurt. Gunfights occur pretty regularly, but no one is ever hit, except for Ricky. I've never seen gunfights being so silly.

2. No nudity. No, I'm not a prude (I love, LOVE Game of Thrones), but it's nice to see a series without boobs flashing up every five minutes. The scenes in which the boys are recording a porn flick are funny without showing flesh.

3. The running gags are great.

4. Ricky is hilarious. Everytime I rewatch an episode, I stumble upon funny stuff he says which I didn't notice before.

5. There is no racism. Randy and Lahey are both bisexual, but they are never mocked because of this. I haven't heard one racist remark in all the episodes.

There's so many other reasons why this show is worth some of your time, so I suggest you check out some episodes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Mary Jane