woensdag 27 mei 2015

MyReads: April

I had to check my Goodreads profile to make sure. Only four books? I blame it on the two-week holliday I had. Luckily, three of the books from this month blew me away.

Dirk van Steenberge - 'Woesten' (read in Dutch; no translation)

Another hyped book, but this time, I totally understand the hype. This book takes us back to Belgium during the end of the nineteenth century. Two brothers, one of them normal, one of them deformed, both grow up in the West of Flanders. Both of them have different lives, and then the war begins...
His writing style and choice of words was just close to perfection. I had tears in my eyes multiple times, not because of sad stuff that happened, but merely because the brilliant choice of words, descriptions,... A must read!

MyScore: 9.5/10

Javier Cercas - 'Outlaws' (read in Dutch, same title)

Young boy Ignatio grew up in Spain, close to a ghetto where all the cool kids went. There he meets the charismatic gang leader El Zarco, and his (girl)friend, Tere. During one summer, Ignatio is involved in crime, drugs, and other fun stuff. Luckily, he gets out just in time, and El Zarco is captured, never to be freed again.
20 years later, Tere visits Ignatio, who now is a successful lawyer, to ask him for help with El Zarco's case. But will he do it? And why?
This is probably the best book I've read this year, so far. I am still in love with Tere. Cercas paints with words, I could imagine some scenes perfectly. The ending, also, is really beautiful. Go hit the bookstore or library and check this one out!

MyScore: 10/10

R.J. Ellory - 'Ghostheart' (read in Dutch; title: 'Een ongenode gast')

Mr. Ellory is probably my favourite thriller author. Apparently, this novel is much older than the others I've read from him, and this is noticeable. I liked it, Ellory is a master when it comes to creating an atmosphere. Thinking back, I must admit I almost read through the night just to know how it would end. Not his best book ever, but overall a good, entertaining novel.

MyScore: 7/10 

Paul Hoffman - 'The left hand of God' (read in Dutch; title: 'De linkerhand van God')

A-MAzing fantasy. Dark, shocking, full of plottwists, strange characters and worlds, a forbidden love... I really hope HB-Whore leaves this one alone. Can't wait for the next book in the series!
We follow our hero, Cale, who grew up in a sadistic, medieval-christianity-like cult. As the first ever, he manages to fully escape the terror of the cult, together with two others, and the boys end up in another city. There, he learns there is more to life than pain, but sadly enough, the cult is out for war, and the city needs Cale for protection. Will this newfound status enlighten him, or bring him down?
Again, if you loved fantasy novels like the Locke Lamora series or even A Song of Ice and Fire, pick this one up. Now.

MyScore: 9/10


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