vrijdag 29 mei 2015

More Charlie Hebdo

Just found this video. As I mentioned in a previous post, the attacks to me were really fishy. Just take a look at the link above.

I do have some comments on it. If you're new to conspiracy theories, I'd suggest you look into it some more.

First, the 'proof' that it was set up because of the cartoon that was published days before the attack, is not convincing enough for me. Not free-standing I mean. As you all know, the puppet masters do like to slip in images before an event actually happens. Some examples from the 9/11 attacks:

I mean come on. Funny thing is of course, you'll only notice it when it's too late. I'll try and type an informative post about predictive programming soon, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it in English.
Anyway, as said before, the cartoon published in the first issue of Charlie Hebdo for me, is not enough proof.

You should really watch from minute 3. Look at that. Look. At. That. No blood is seen. Body does not move. I never shot a gun, but there should be blood, lots of it. Didn't happen. Besides, the weapon used to 'kill' the officer was an AK-47. There would not have been a head left if that man was really hit.

Okay, so what can we say after seeing the breakdown of the shooting? The man was not killed. Which is good of course, I'm all in favour of people surviving. But we got LIED TO, again. I honestly don't know what happened to the cartoonists and other staff workers from Charlie Hebdo. I still believe they were actually killed, but of course we don't have video material from the shooting. I don't want to make any remarks on that, since I don't have proof to  show.

This shooting does fit perfectly into the global plot to make us hate every muslim. I suggest this link for further reading, many inconsistancies occur. Try to keep an open mind on this.

I'll keep you guys updated.

Don't believe the hype.


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