vrijdag 29 mei 2015

More Charlie Hebdo

Just found this video. As I mentioned in a previous post, the attacks to me were really fishy. Just take a look at the link above.

I do have some comments on it. If you're new to conspiracy theories, I'd suggest you look into it some more.

First, the 'proof' that it was set up because of the cartoon that was published days before the attack, is not convincing enough for me. Not free-standing I mean. As you all know, the puppet masters do like to slip in images before an event actually happens. Some examples from the 9/11 attacks:

I mean come on. Funny thing is of course, you'll only notice it when it's too late. I'll try and type an informative post about predictive programming soon, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it in English.
Anyway, as said before, the cartoon published in the first issue of Charlie Hebdo for me, is not enough proof.

You should really watch from minute 3. Look at that. Look. At. That. No blood is seen. Body does not move. I never shot a gun, but there should be blood, lots of it. Didn't happen. Besides, the weapon used to 'kill' the officer was an AK-47. There would not have been a head left if that man was really hit.

Okay, so what can we say after seeing the breakdown of the shooting? The man was not killed. Which is good of course, I'm all in favour of people surviving. But we got LIED TO, again. I honestly don't know what happened to the cartoonists and other staff workers from Charlie Hebdo. I still believe they were actually killed, but of course we don't have video material from the shooting. I don't want to make any remarks on that, since I don't have proof to  show.

This shooting does fit perfectly into the global plot to make us hate every muslim. I suggest this link for further reading, many inconsistancies occur. Try to keep an open mind on this.

I'll keep you guys updated.

Don't believe the hype.


woensdag 27 mei 2015

MyReads: April

I had to check my Goodreads profile to make sure. Only four books? I blame it on the two-week holliday I had. Luckily, three of the books from this month blew me away.

Dirk van Steenberge - 'Woesten' (read in Dutch; no translation)

Another hyped book, but this time, I totally understand the hype. This book takes us back to Belgium during the end of the nineteenth century. Two brothers, one of them normal, one of them deformed, both grow up in the West of Flanders. Both of them have different lives, and then the war begins...
His writing style and choice of words was just close to perfection. I had tears in my eyes multiple times, not because of sad stuff that happened, but merely because the brilliant choice of words, descriptions,... A must read!

MyScore: 9.5/10

Javier Cercas - 'Outlaws' (read in Dutch, same title)

Young boy Ignatio grew up in Spain, close to a ghetto where all the cool kids went. There he meets the charismatic gang leader El Zarco, and his (girl)friend, Tere. During one summer, Ignatio is involved in crime, drugs, and other fun stuff. Luckily, he gets out just in time, and El Zarco is captured, never to be freed again.
20 years later, Tere visits Ignatio, who now is a successful lawyer, to ask him for help with El Zarco's case. But will he do it? And why?
This is probably the best book I've read this year, so far. I am still in love with Tere. Cercas paints with words, I could imagine some scenes perfectly. The ending, also, is really beautiful. Go hit the bookstore or library and check this one out!

MyScore: 10/10

R.J. Ellory - 'Ghostheart' (read in Dutch; title: 'Een ongenode gast')

Mr. Ellory is probably my favourite thriller author. Apparently, this novel is much older than the others I've read from him, and this is noticeable. I liked it, Ellory is a master when it comes to creating an atmosphere. Thinking back, I must admit I almost read through the night just to know how it would end. Not his best book ever, but overall a good, entertaining novel.

MyScore: 7/10 

Paul Hoffman - 'The left hand of God' (read in Dutch; title: 'De linkerhand van God')

A-MAzing fantasy. Dark, shocking, full of plottwists, strange characters and worlds, a forbidden love... I really hope HB-Whore leaves this one alone. Can't wait for the next book in the series!
We follow our hero, Cale, who grew up in a sadistic, medieval-christianity-like cult. As the first ever, he manages to fully escape the terror of the cult, together with two others, and the boys end up in another city. There, he learns there is more to life than pain, but sadly enough, the cult is out for war, and the city needs Cale for protection. Will this newfound status enlighten him, or bring him down?
Again, if you loved fantasy novels like the Locke Lamora series or even A Song of Ice and Fire, pick this one up. Now.

MyScore: 9/10


MyReads: March

Sorry, again, for the lousy commentaries. I promise I'll try and write a review whenever I actually finish a book.

Griet op de Beeck - 'Vele hemels boven de Zevende'  (read in Dutch, no translation yet)

This debut novel by a Flemish author was hyped up a lot. I can't say I liked it that much. We follow the lifes of five people whom are all related. The main character keeps on doing everything for everyone, until one day she can't take it anymore.
The last part did grab me by the throat, but overall I didn't liked the way she wrote. I think the language she used was horrible. I don't think I'll be reading her second book, since that one is hyped up even more.

MyScore: 5/10

Haruki Murakami - '1q84, book 2' (read in Dutch, same title)

More of the same, but different. Loved it even more than the first one.

MyScore: 9/10

Lars Kepler - 'The Hypnotist' (read in Dutch; title: 'Hypnose')

Good thriller, I might check out their other books. Reads very fast, it's a pretty big book but I finished it in 2 days.

MyScore: 7/10

Joris Tulkens - 'Johanna de Waanzinnige' (read in Dutch, no translation)

Good historical novel, I loved the descriptions combined with historical facts and nice characters. I'm planning on reading hs other historical novels too.

MyScore: 7.5/10

Susan Hill - 'The Various Haunts of Men' (read in Dutch; title: 'Al wat rondwaart')

Best thriller I've read this year, so far. It has a lot of side stories which have nothing to do with the killer, they simply are there to enrich the storyline. I loved it! Luckily she wrote more books, my to-read list keeps on getting longer and longer.

MyScore: 8/10

Jeanne Kalogridis - 'The Devil's Queen: A novel of Catherine de Medici'(read in Dutch; title: 'De Duivelse koniging)

Since I'm pretty sceptical about everything I read about the De Medici, I must say Kalogridis did a great job. She just focussed on the live of Catherine, without any conspiracy stuff. Not only does she describe a lot of scenes perfectly, she also found the time to slip in some philosophical thoughts. A must-read for every historical novel fan.

MyScore: 8/10

Dave Eggers - 'The Wild Things'  (read in Dutch; title: 'Max (en de Wild Things)')

My second Eggers book. It was fun to read, but I can't say I understood much of it. It would've helped if I had read 'Where the wild things are' as a child. I'm planning on reading more Eggers tho, since 'The Circle' was brilliant.

MyScore: 6/10

Dirk De Wachter - 'Liefde, een onmogelijk verlangen?' 

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. De Wachter really keeps on rocking. Not only does he have the intellect to see what happens in this world, he is capable of putting up a mirror in front of everyone, to make us see we all are influenced by society. In a soft and gentle way, he pleads for an easier, less complex and more loving society, in which we don't just throw out everything when stuff doesn't work out.

MyScore: 9/10

Haruki Murakami - '1q84, book three'  

Can't say I didn't see the ending coming, but this trilogy really blew me away. I know the opinions differ, but for me, this is the best Murakami I've read so far.

MyScore: 9/10

Stuart MacBride - 'Cold Granite' (read in Dutch; title: 'Steenkoud')

Okay thriller, not much to say about this one.

MyScore: 6/10

Bart Koubaa - 'De Leraar' (read in Dutch; no translation)

This book was really weird. We follow a teacher who got bullied once too many at school, but in the end, he turns out to be some crazy cannibal. Although the story in itself really wasn't that great, the book did make me think about a lot. Since I have a friend who has a teachers degree, I know some first hand stories about how full of shit pupils can be. It was an insightfull book, giving more questions than it answers, which I dig.

MyScore: 7/10


dinsdag 26 mei 2015

Game of Thrones and why Big Media will not allow me to love the Boltons anymore

                                   WARNING: MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD
(show and book spoilers. I haven't seen the latest season since I honestly don't care anymore.) 

I started reading the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series (asoiaf) about two years back. Since I always try to read the book before seeing the movie or series, I know what I am talking about. Also, I want to make clear that I see the book series and the HBO adaptation as two completely different stories.

In the books, some of my favourite characters are Roose and Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay because he is one of the most convincing villians I ever met in a book. Not only does he enjoy to inflict immense pain on people, he is also smart and calculated. Roose on the other hand is in my opinion, one of the smartest men in Westeros. He saw the downfall of Robb Stark when every one else was still in a daze. In the books, the Boltons aren't just crazy flayers, and I believe Roose Bolton is pretty fit to be the warden of the North.

Also, I hate Little Finger and I hate how HBO keeps on using this secondary character as one of the main forces in the war. The only thing he ever did worth mentioning is pushing that bitch Lysa through the Moon Door. Since I haven't seen the latest season, I was really shocked by the events that took place during the episode 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'. I wasn't shocked about the rape tho, kinda saw that one coming. I'll get back to that later. I was, however, shocked by the fact that they made Littlefinger rush to Cersei Lannister to betray Sansa. This, truly, makes no fucking sense. If there is ONE thing you should know about Petyr Baelish, it would be his lifelong obsession with Catelyn Stark. How ambitious he may be, the book-Petyr would never, NEVER betray Catelyns daughter. Never.

(In the books, Petyr tries to fix a marriage between Sansa and Lysa's stupid son, in order to give her a change to reclaim Winterfell. But, she is still save in the Eyrie, and back in Winterfell, Ramsay is getting married to fake Arya. Who did get raped on her wedding night. But well, as I said before, kinda saw that one coming.)

Okay, so why is the world suddenly so shocked about the rape of Sansa Stark? I mean, I stopped watching long before this episode, because well, their was too much sexual violence for my appetite. I'm not even referring to the infamous 'Jaime-raping-Cersei-next-too-Joffreys-corpse', no, one of the scenes which literally shocked me was in season 4, episode 4, 'Oathkeeper'. Jon Snow and his fellow crows head for Craster's Keep. The deserted crows over there captured the women, and I can remember one of them saying 'fuck them till they're dead'. Why? This sentence wasn't in the books. I'm not saying asoiaf isn't violent. It is. There is rape, but GRRM is decent enough to keep the descriptions about this horrible act to a minimum. I don't feel like seeing about ten women get raped simultaneously.

So, I really don't get why the world suddenly is so shocked. Rape was always a part of this show.

On the other hand, the marriage and rape of Sansa Stark by Ramsay Bolton is the first (and not last) serious change that was made to the script. Sansa has been through horrible things the last seasons. The makers of GOT could have chosen a different road. But sadly enough, those little men believe rape is actually some kind of character-building thingy. All the strenght she had built up is now vanished.

It is extremely important to see that this rape was orchestrated by the men behind the series. WHY did they do it? Simple. Since the world is watching GOT, everything which happens on the show is seen by millions of watchers. I honestly believe the media are trying to deform our ideas and thoughts about the world. By having Sansa raped, not only did they cause an almost global fuss, by having us watch rape and violence over and over again, they glorify it. They are trying to make it look as something normal. Already I heard men and women argue that this was not rape, since it happened inside of the bridal bed. Legally speaking, Ramsay and Sansa of course are married, but if I ever hear a married man say how this is not rape, I'll just advise his wife to tie the bastard to the bed and fuck him in the ass with a broomstick. Because when it happens inside a marriage it's not rape? See how easy they slip these ideas in. You don't have to agree with them at first (I really hope no one does that), but by gradually dosing up the violence, we get used to it. And when you get used to something, you'll stop questioning it. And that, my dear friends, is the only reason why Sansa got raped.

I also feel disgusted by the reactions the actors gave after the episode aired. Check it out: Iwan Rheons reaction. What startles me the most is how they keep on talking about aaaallll of the other stuff, and not the rape. Even more disturbing is this one. So not only was Sansa's virginity taken away from her in the most brutal way possible, she also has to please him now?

I'm really just trying to see the books apart from the show right now, but I feel like something I really loved has been taken away from me again. Again, Big Media took a great story to deform it into something that makes us want to think violence and rape are okay. I already was feeling down, thanks, for making my day HB-whore. Well at least I don't have to waste my time watching series anymore. (with exceptions, maybe)

Just keep in mind that in the media, everything happens for a reason. Every symbol, every suggestion, and yes, every rape, is orchestrated and means something. Don't let it fool you.


maandag 25 mei 2015

Happy Birthday to me

Well, my 25th year into this life sure sucked monkeyballs. I'm struggling with myself and my addictions pretty hard this year. Besides that, I have and had some personal issues, of which I won't speak today since I already did that too much.

I started a new blog today, just for myself really, for writing down my feelings in my native language. Also, this will probably mean I'll keep the whining and complaining to myself, and will try to have more descent articles. So keep on visiting folks, better days and posts are hopefully coming your and my way.


zondag 10 mei 2015

Probably for the first time here at this blog - GOOD NEWS

Hiya folks. I haven't been posting since I have been really busy with (guess what) school. I also started going out and hanging out with friends more often. On top of that, I was 4 books behind on my goodreads reading schedule. Yes.

Anyway, I still can't believe how many good stuff has happened since I got back from Berlin. I can even make a list.

I KNOW RIGHT!!! Even her oncologist could hardly believe what great effect the chemotherapy had on her primary tumor and almost all (if not all) of the secundary ones. True, she still has to have one chemo every three weeks, but she doesn't have to stay overnight anymore. Also, we still don't know how long this product she gets will be effective. BUT. She did an amazing job and I am so proud of her. Besides that, our relationship keeps on getting tighter, it's amazing to finally have a mother. (my mom and I didn't get along at all untill 3 years ago)

  • I passed all my exams
With one more exam period to go, starting on June 1st till June 12th, I can proudly say I'm on track for finishing my second year in nursing school without any obstackles. I'm working hard at the moment and I can't wait to be over and have that 3 month vacation. And I'm also a little proud. I did it. :)

  • I feel much, much better and finally found peace with certain stuff
I've always been a thinker, but at certain times, certain ideas got stuck in my head and they kept on deforming the way I see the world and myself. After Berlin and my two week vacation, I kinda sorted some big ones out. It's not like I had psychosis or something, it's not easy to explain and I promise I'll try to get to the bone of this in some later post.

  • I made a decision concerning my studies
I decided to try and study one more year after I finish. Sadly enough, I don't know if this will be possible. More info later.

I really try to keep this blog going but I have so little time... I miss writing.
