zaterdag 28 februari 2015

music maestro

Went shopping for food with my mom today, and as always I couldn't stop myself from entering the local bookstore. (for us Belgians: it was Standaard Boekhandel) Didn't buy anything, I rarely buy first hand books. Only when I have free book cheques to be honest.

Anyway, some soft, sweet piano music was playing when I entered. It took my breath away. I'm always a little more sensitive when entering a bookstore, but the atmosphere of the quiet and gentle music was just perfect, I just had to ask the guy what was playing. He told me he didn't knew it himself, it was downloaded, but he wrote the name down: Ludovico Einaudi. I was surprised to find out at home that I already knew some of his work. I think he mostly does soundtracks.

I'm not sure which song was playing exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was this one.

I haven't been into music for years. I know I sound crazy when I tell this, but music doesn't really have a significant place in my life anymore for let's say, 2 years. I used to love music, but since some years back, I enjoy silence much, much more. I can really go without music for weeks. Unlike my mom. I grew up with the radio playing non-stop. (for us Belgians: it's Radio 2) This station plays oldies, some popular songs but luckily no Nicki Minaj or other shit. I always loved piano music but never really researched it, I might do it in the future.

But I do enjoy a musical intermezzo from time to time, and the setting was perfect, so I really wanted to share it with you guys.


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