woensdag 25 februari 2015

IT guy voluntarily implants chip into his arm

Sometimes, the stupidity of people hurts me, like in this case. On the Belgian news today: some guy was tired of carrying a keychain around all day, so he decided to have a chip implanted which will open the doors from his house, car, etc. Found this link, didn't find it in English, so it'll be hard to understand if you don't speak Dutch. Anyway, here it is.

WHY??? How much does a keychain weight? How hard is it to carry it around all day? I can understand that your hobby is technology. I get the fact that you dig cyborg stuff. But do you really want to become one? I'm all for technology helping people when disabled or sick. (and even then, I have some serious doubts...) But being a lazy ass mafucka, too fucking stupid to realize you are bringing a strange object in your body which might be harmfull... This technology thing is going way too far.

I own a smartphone. Friends gave it to me, but I never use it. I hate smartphones. Whenever people buy one, they become brainless slaves to facebook, twitter, instagram, or whatever website is hip nowadays. I don't even know how the last two websites work, and I only keep my facebook account because I'm too weak to delete it. It is an addiction. At least I can admit that. I hate the fact we are being groomed to want things and need things that cost ridiculous amounts of money, just so you can share you latest breakfast or sushi dinner. In China, this addiction got so serious, the goverment decided to have special pathways installed for smartphone users. Just in case they won't bother people who just want to walk instead of bumbing into some brainless Iphone junkie.

Worst thing about this whole story is that people actually find it cool. WHY? WHY is it cool? I know there was this huge discussion some years back in the UK about parents having their children implanted with chips so they would always know where they were. In case some paedophile caught them. Do you really think this will help? It's just Big Brother, disguised as a rape solution.

This man isn't disabled, he was just tired of carrying around keys. Well newsflash, you punk: life ain't easy. What's next, implanting your stupid ass smartphone into your arm because you might break it? You know what, you go ahead, you pathetic peace of fat. Be proud about the fact thugs only need to cut off your arm to get access to all you own. And don't get surprised when shit like that happens.

'My house is full of electronics', wow, you make me puke.

As you guys might have noticed, I recently moved to a renovated student home. The doorbell is 'high tech': when someone rings, it automatically sends a message to your smartphone. Wow. When my landlord showed me this, I told him straight that I don't have a smartphone and I'd rather have diarrhea for 10 months then using one. What is wrong with an old fashioned doorbell? We have this smart cars now with 'park assist', are you guys really that stupid to think that's a good thing? They present it to you as something which will make your life easier, but in fact, they take away the opportunity to actually learn how to park a goddamn car.



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