zaterdag 21 maart 2015

Personal updates, again

6 more days and my exams will be OVER. I'm counting the hours. (not really, but I really can't wait to be done). Up till now, everything has gone according to plan, I did screw up two exams and didn't perform that well on two others, but those grades will be combined with four other exams which did go well.

Since I have little free time, I prefer spending the hours I have with reading. I'm not online as much as I used to, and I do miss writing. I hope to have more time in the two week vacation that's coming up. After that, I'll have 5 weeks of classes and exams, again. But when those are done, I hope I've passed everything so I'll have a three-month vacation.

My mom is doing fine, she is starting to lose hair and she's tired a lot, but her spirit still is high and overall, she's doing great. She'll have another chemo on April, 2th, after that she'll have tests to see if it worked. It'll be some scary weeks to come, but I dare to hope a little bit.
My dad is still as depressed as a donkey. I don't see him having a speedy recovery anytime soon. He still limps, he still sighs whenever something happens, and he still hangs in the sofa all day, staring.

I'm doing allright. Studying takes my mind of off things, so that's a good thing I guess.

I'll try to put up some descent posts when I have the time. I have a new Ebola post planned and there are some things happening in Belgium I just have to discuss. But now, 6 more days of hell and boredom! (and the 'occasional' I-drank-too-much-wine evening)


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