donderdag 25 juni 2015

Short personal updates (short, I promise)

First, I have a three month vacation until September 21st. I have a LOT of stuff planned, I'm leaving for a goa festival tomorrow, might go see WuTang again...

Second. I also passed my year. I'm so happy and grateful for all the help and support I got.

I'm reading a lot these days, but I'm afraid my good ol' substance abuse habbit it kicking in pretty hard (no pun intended). I had a fight with my best friend over it, so this is probably the best clue to know somethingis not right. There's just so much... Thoughts...

This is how I feel right now: 


woensdag 3 juni 2015

#HoldACokeWithYourBoobsChallenge. I am going to puke for real.

Check out THIS amount of PURE GARBAGE.

Oh boy. Where do I start?

First, I'm all in favour of people getting aware of (breast)cancer. Cancer is a serious disease.

Second. Showing off your (fake) boobs will NOT help women with breastcancer. It's a stupid excuse for showing nudity.

Third. This is so degrading towards women. I don't believe this is going to go viral as much as that stupid ass Ice Bucket crap. But how many girls and women will do this just to fit in? On top of all of those doing it for ATTENTION, mmmmkay? That's all this is. A lousy excuse to continue the picturing of women as mere objects.

Fourth. How in the world is this going to help cancer patients? Will they mysteriously grow boobs again? Just as in the Ice Bucket crap, almost all people just did it without donating any money. Same will go for this.

Fifth. Do you have any idea how hard it is for women to lose one or both breasts? Do you know how expensive reconstructive surgery is? So, in my opinion, this is extremely offending. 'Hey look, we still have boobs, you don't, join the cancer cause!'

Sixth. Breast cancer already has a whole MONTH of awareness, in december. Just saying. Ever heared about the pink ribbon movement? That's what I'm talking about.

Seventh. There's more than one type of cancer you know. Rise some awareness for those?

Eight. Coke will be so happy with the free advertisement.

Ninth. I'm gonna puke now.


dinsdag 2 juni 2015

Top ten conspiracy theories proven to be true

Small post, this video says it all: *link*

The first one and the one about the CIA trying to manipulate media outlets are the most important in my opinion.

MK ULTRA still happens today. So many things happened and are still happening, but no one believes them because they are labeled as 'conspiracy'. I mean, the US governement told it's citizens for years that there was no such thing as organised crime. Can you believe that? This idea, of the mafia not existing, was told to everyone for a long period of time.

Don't believe what the media tells you. Keep an open mind!