dinsdag 14 april 2015

Berlin, ich liebe dich!

I never had the chance to travel much. My parents never went abroad except for Luxemburg, which is even smaller than Belgium. Anyway, it's never too late to start travelling, so me and my best friend decided to hit the road and leave for Berlin.

I always wanted to visit this city. Not only is it a historical city, with parts of the Berlin wall still standing and of course, the Reichstag and other buildings. It's also the capitol of electronical music, with Kraftwerk and others. Besides that, it's also and absolutely beautiful city, I can recommend it to every one.

We left on tuesday and I got sick on wednesday... Bad karma I guess. Still, we had an awesome time, sadly enough we had to leave way too soon. We saw Unter den Linden, Berlins most famous Boulevard. We visited the 'Deutsches Historisches Museum' at said Boulevard. It was amazing, I love old art and I love the reformation, of which this museum has a big collection. I drooled all over the place.

Since I grew up in a small town and moved for Antwerp 4 years ago, I'd like to make a little comparison.

1. German roads are perfect. It's like driving on feathers. 100 meters before the Flemish border, the roads become all noisy and bumpy. I never believed this 'rumour' to be true, but it is. Belgian roads suck.

2. Berlin has very little cycle paths, people just ride their bikes on the freeways. German drivers seem to know this, and try to make space for them. Still, traffic in the city is very chaotic, and I must admit I was scared a lot while driving through Berlin.

3. Berlin is not expensive at all. I really thought we would have to pay a lot more for drinks and food, but if you look around a little bit, cheap dinner is easy to be found.

4. Parks! Trees! Berlin is known for being a 'green' city, but the parks are literally everywhere, and they're clean, too.

5. The architecture is so much better than over here. In Belgium, we have ribbon building, which is ugly as hell. Berlin does have huge appartment blocks, but they all seem to fit in.

6. Belgium still has better beer. I refuse to drink German beer, so we had to drink cocktails or longdrinks during our stay. A little win for Belgium.

7. People are really open-minded over there. While people in Antwerp seem to be scared of minorities, Berlin embraces them. It's funny, since over here we have a much bigger population of muslims.

8. Party. This city truly never sleeps. Sadly enough we couldn't hit a club since I was ill, but the hostel we stayed at had a great bar which didn't close until 4.

Hmmm.. I want to go back!


zondag 12 april 2015


I try, I REALLY try to write but I'm not getting there, yet.

Berlin was great. The city, at least. I was physically and mentally ill.

I'm trying to quit smoking.

I have a lot, lot lot to figure out

hang in there all of you who reads this

this, too. shall pass.
